Going to VISTA?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Information Week did a survey: Over a third of the companies would be
    on VISTA within a year, but 30% had NO plans to EVER upgrade.

    As an aside, I have seen average PC users with new VISTA PCs which
    have supremely disappointed the owners. The last was VISTA home
    edition on Dell 1501 Inspiron laptop yesterday, which is only a week
    old, used for email via Yahoo which is now almost unusable. It takes
    a Minute or more to load a web page or Explorer, and getting Explorer
    to navigate to network settings crashed every other time I tried.
    Every piece of malware must have attacked that machine in the last
    week. So much for advanced security for the average user.

    I just can't understand the mayhem at Microsoft, as I really expected
    a more intuitive GUI, not less. I can't see MS as leading the charge
    for being the OS that runs high end software like SolidWorks into the

    Am I MISSING something?

    Thanks - Bo


    Tech professionals at the businesses surveyed were asked the following
    question: "When, if ever, does your company plan to purchase and
    install Windows Vista?"

    One quarter of the 612 survey respondents said they were already using
    the new OS; 13% said they would do so in the next 12 months, while 27%
    said their companies would adopt Windows Vista more than one year from

    But in what will surely be viewed as disappointing news at Microsoft
    headquarters in Redmond, WA, a full 30% of those surveyed said they
    had no plans to upgrade their systems to Windows Vista -- not ever.
    Bo, Apr 26, 2007
  2. Bo

    jimsym Guest


    Have the notebook user check the performance settings in the mobility
    section of Vista. Mine came with a default setting for extended
    battery life which really killed performance. Once I changed that
    setting, performance for general use is pretty good - even with 1GB

    My biggest beef now is buggy support for dual monitors. It will work
    fine after a cold boot (not easy to do with a notebook on Vista!) but
    once it goes into sleep mode, the second monitor is inaccessable.
    (The display is there, but you can't move the mouse to the second

    Still, I would NOT recommend Vista for SolidWorks - at least not yet.
    jimsym, Apr 27, 2007
  3. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Unfortunately, my view of VISTA is that it is going to take a year or
    two for it to settle down.

    Meanwhile, unsuspecting XP Pro users who barely know how to use XP are
    going to be a bit baffled by VISTA, as has been seen with the last two
    users I worked with.
    Bo, Apr 27, 2007
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