GlobalNets in Sch Cell

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by sampath, Dec 12, 2003.

  1. sampath

    sampath Guest

    I am trying to find the global nets that are present in a schematic cell
    view with several levels of hierarchy. is there any easy way to do
    this?. As globals can be defined any where in hierarchy we cannot find
    them in the list of toplevel schematic nets.Right now, I am traversing
    entire schematic hierarchy and looking for signalNames which contain "!".
    sampath, Dec 12, 2003
  2. That's pretty much what you have to do. It doesn't keep these on the top level,
    because exactly which globals are used depends on the particular view switching
    that is done - so you could change the view list and it would change the
    globals. Or you could be using a config, and it would change.

    So you need to traverse the hierarchy, and collect them. Strictly speaking,
    the right thing to do is look for signals in each cellView which have the
    isGlobal attribute set to t. signal names ending in "!" is just a convention
    that the schematic checker uses to identify signals which it should set the
    isGlobal attribute on.

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 13, 2003
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