Global variable in a design table

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brian, Jan 4, 2005.

  1. Brian

    Brian Guest

    Can a global variable be used in a design table? I am trying to set up
    a design table for a set of cylinder pistons. The normal way to call
    out the piston would be by the Bore of the cylinder it is in. The
    actual OD of the piston would be .019" smaller. I have the part set up
    with a global variable "Bore" = 5, then the dimension on the piston is
    Brian, Jan 4, 2005
  2. Sure. Easiest way is to have a Bore cell in the table that holds the value.
    Then the piston OD math is done in its own cell, referencing the Bore cell.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 4, 2005
  3. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I've tried that, but I get an error that says "column heading "Bore"
    contains an invalid feature name "Bore. Exiting desing table without
    completing model update."
    Brian, Jan 4, 2005
  4. Brian

    Brian Guest

    I'm talking to myself now. Put an empty column between the dimension
    columns and the "Bore" column.
    Brian, Jan 4, 2005
  5. Brian

    P. Guest

    Of course you can't put the Bore cell in the same row as the other
    parameters, at least not in that form. You have several alternatives.
    Assuming you also want Bore in the custom properties you can put it
    there and reference it with a $PRP@Bore. You can also put $CUSTOM in
    the row for parameter names and then put Bore in the first row of the
    Design Table. Using the first row of a Design Table for human readable
    labels is very handy, especially when using the Design Table as a chart
    in a drawing. In that case hide the rows you don't want.
    P., Jan 5, 2005
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