Global Origin

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Kenneth.Mills, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. When using the keyin "go=?" Microstation gives a value that is
    7045.5494792 larger for the the x, y and z values than if using the mdl
    function mdlModelRef_getGlobalOrigin (which gives the go in units of
    resolution but can easily be converted to master units.)

    Example vba code:

    Dim ModelRef As Long Dim GO As Point3d Dim ret As Long Dim UORPerMaster
    As Double

    UORPerMaster = ActiveDesignFile.Models("Model").UORsPerMasterUnit
    ModelRef = mdlModelRef_getActive

    ret = mdlModelRef_getGlobalOrigin(ModelRef, GO)

    Msgbox "X: " & GO.X / UORPerMaster Msgbox "Y: " & GO.Y / UORPerMaster
    Msgbox "Z: " & GO.Z / UORPerMaster

    Anyone have any idea where the 7045.5494792 value is comming from? I
    suspect that it has something to do with maintaining support for V7
    files and design planes.

    Kenneth.Mills, Sep 21, 2006
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