Ghost Wires w/ Lightweight?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lipkink, Jul 30, 2007.

  1. lipkink

    lipkink Guest


    I had a pretty complicated rack of computers which I routed about 20
    wires onto in order to get the lengths and make manufacturing drawings
    for the wiring harnesses.

    On two of these harnesses, after routing the wires, I changed my mind
    and decided to route them through different clips. No problem, made
    the change, everything is good, looks correct.

    Save and ship off.

    However, the next time I open the model, those wires are back. Both
    the old and the new wires appear, although the old wires have no color
    and are the default gray. So, I fully resolve the offending 2 wire
    assemblies and cables, Ctrl+Q, and everything is back to normal.
    Alright, so I save again.

    Upon next open, the ghost wires are back again.

    Why does this happen and how do I make it go away. When I send this
    to colleagues, I don't want to have to explain to them about resolving
    and Ctrl+Q'ing each time they open the assembly.


    lipkink, Jul 30, 2007
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