GF4 hardware hacked to a Quadro4

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Kent, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. Kent

    Kent Guest

    Hi Group

    Have any of you tried to modify your GF4 TI4200-4600 to a Quadro4 ? -
    the hardware way... Not with Softquadro4.

    I am considering doing it, but would like to hear some of your


    Kent, Jul 31, 2003
  2. wow... changing only the chip ? I believe you have to take care about the
    memory too...
    is it really worth the risk + work ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti -
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jul 31, 2003
  3. now I understand why those guys at the NVidia booth in LasVegas looked a bit
    annoyed when I asked them about the REAL differences between the 2 chips!
    Do you by chance have a link to a page that explains the hack clearly ?
    thanks (merci...)

    Philippe Guglielmetti -
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jul 31, 2003
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