(getvar"screensize") not updated after (vla-put-Width)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James Chung, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. James Chung

    James Chung Guest

    I found that (getvar"screensize") is not updated within a lisp function after (vla-put-Width).

    (defun screensize_not_updated(/ *acad* *adoc*)
    (setq *acad*(vlax-get-acad-object))
    (setq *adoc*(vla-get-ActiveDocument *acad*))
    (mapcar'princ(list"\nDocument size: "(list(vla-get-Width *adoc*)(vla-get-Height *adoc*))))
    (mapcar'princ(list"\nScreen size: "(getvar"screensize"))) (vla-put-WindowState *adoc* acNorm)
    (vla-put-Width *adoc*(vlax-make-variant 400.0 vlax-vbDouble))
    (vla-put-Height *adoc*(vlax-make-variant 300.0 vlax-vbDouble))
    (mapcar'princ(list"\n\nNow changed to\nDocument size: "(list(vla-get-Width *adoc*)(vla-get-Height *adoc*))))
    (mapcar'princ(list"\nScreen size: "(getvar"screensize")))
    (vlax-release-object *adoc*)
    (vlax-release-object *acad*)

    Command: (screensize_not_updated)

    Document size: (843 607)
    Screen size: (831.0 561.0)

    Now changed to
    Document size: (400 300)
    Screen size: (831.0 561.0) => here not updated.

    Command: (getvar"screensize")
    (388.0 254.0)) => updated just now

    How to update (getvar"screensize") in a same lisp function?
    Any comments will be appreciated.
    James Chung, Jan 13, 2004
  2. What happens if you perform an Update on the Application object?

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | I found that (getvar"screensize") is not updated within a lisp function
    after (vla-put-Width).
    | (defun screensize_not_updated(/ *acad* *adoc*)
    | (vl-load-com)
    | (setq *acad*(vlax-get-acad-object))
    | (setq *adoc*(vla-get-ActiveDocument *acad*))
    | (mapcar'princ(list"\nDocument size: "(list(vla-get-Width
    *adoc*)(vla-get-Height *adoc*))))
    | (mapcar'princ(list"\nScreen size: "(getvar"screensize")))
    (vla-put-WindowState *adoc* acNorm)
    | (vla-put-Width *adoc*(vlax-make-variant 400.0 vlax-vbDouble))
    | (vla-put-Height *adoc*(vlax-make-variant 300.0 vlax-vbDouble))
    | (mapcar'princ(list"\n\nNow changed to\nDocument size:
    "(list(vla-get-Width *adoc*)(vla-get-Height *adoc*))))
    | (mapcar'princ(list"\nScreen size: "(getvar"screensize")))
    | (textpage)
    | (vlax-release-object *adoc*)
    | (vlax-release-object *acad*)
    | (princ)
    | )
    | Command: (screensize_not_updated)
    | Document size: (843 607)
    | Screen size: (831.0 561.0)
    | Now changed to
    | Document size: (400 300)
    | Screen size: (831.0 561.0) => here not updated.
    | Command: (getvar"screensize")
    | (388.0 254.0)) => updated just now
    | How to update (getvar"screensize") in a same lisp function?
    | Any comments will be appreciated.
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 13, 2004
  3. James Chung

    James Chung Guest

    I willing to save a wmf file with adjusted document size and updated screen size.
    James Chung, Jan 13, 2004
  4. James Chung

    Doug Broad Guest

    Thanks James. Interesting.

    Doug Broad, Jan 13, 2004
  5. Yeah, I can't find a way to update it (in 10 minutes, anyway).

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | Thanks James. Interesting.
    | > I found that (getvar"screensize") is not updated within a lisp function
    | (vla-put-Width).
    | >
    | > (defun screensize_not_updated(/ *acad* *adoc*)
    | > (vl-load-com)
    | > (setq *acad*(vlax-get-acad-object))
    | > (setq *adoc*(vla-get-ActiveDocument *acad*))
    | > (mapcar'princ(list"\nDocument size: "(list(vla-get-Width
    | *adoc*))))
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 13, 2004
  6. James Chung

    James Chung Guest

    Hopefully, you can find a way.
    James Chung, Jan 14, 2004
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