getting the waves from a waveform window

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by S. Badel, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. S. Badel

    S. Badel Guest

    i'd like to write a skill script that plots a waveform window
    with a better look.

    is there a way i can retrieve the waveforms (i.e. the individual points)
    given a waveform window object?
    couldn't find in the doc.
    S. Badel, Aug 21, 2003
  2. I'm not 100% sure if this is what you're asking for, but using the
    calculator you may print any expression in a text file (2 columns or more if
    you have more than one expression to plot).
    You can do this by "printvs" button. I do not have a clue how this can be
    done using skill, but I'm sure there is a way ;)

    Hristo Brachkov, Aug 21, 2003
  3. S. Badel

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I don't quite understand you question. Do you want to get the data
    points in a text format and then plot with a different plotting tool?
    If so, you can convert psf to ascii with:
    psf -i tran.tran -o tran.txt
    Erik Wanta, Aug 21, 2003
  4. On top of the "psf" command and the ocnPrint/"print versus"
    possibilities, you can use a signal-sink verilog-AMS device. I found
    "voltmeter" in "ahdlLib" to do that.

    You can also instruct spectre to write in nutmeg format, which is
    recognised by many waveform tools already, and for which you'll easily
    find a parser (in the spice source).

    Could you tell more about this script ?
    eda support guy, Sep 1, 2003
  5. S. Badel

    Thomas Popp Guest

    If it's also ok for you to save the waveform-points right after the
    simulation you could use the OCEAN function ocnPrint() (works both in an
    OCEAN script and in the CIW):

    assumption: transient analysis

    1) select the Result:
    selectResult( 'tran )

    2) save the desired waveform (individual points) in a text file:
    ocnPrint( v("/net_name") ?output "./file_name" ?numbernotation 'none )

    Thomas Popp, Sep 10, 2003
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