getting started with skill

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Juan F. Osorio, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Hi,
    I am tring to getting started with skill but I can no do even the easy
    things like lauch a program from the CIW. How can I do that?, I was wasting
    my time in the long cadence help and I can not find How can I launch a skill
    file from their enviroment.
    Thank is advance.
    Felipe Osorio
    Juan F. Osorio, Dec 10, 2003
  2. Juan F. Osorio

    snmishra Guest

    Juan> Hi, I am tring to getting started with skill but I can no do
    Juan> even the easy things like lauch a program from the CIW. How
    Juan> can I do that?, I was wasting my time in the long cadence help
    Juan> and I can not find How can I launch a skill file from their
    Juan> enviroment. Thank is advance. Felipe Osorio


    snmishra, Dec 11, 2003
  3. Also, read the SKILL Language User Guide - that's the best place to start.

    It's written in the style of a book on programming, and introduces you gradually
    to the concepts in the language.

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 11, 2003
  4. Juan F. Osorio

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Create some skill file:



    printf("hello world!\n")


    In the CIW load the skill file with load("yourpath/").

    If you loaded the above, type hw() and you should get hello world!
    Erik Wanta, Dec 11, 2003
  5. Juan F. Osorio

    Simon S. IBM Guest

    I am tring to getting started with skill but I can no do even the easy
    Do a search on for
    the exact words (minus the quotes) "How to run a SKILL function."

    You should find a ton of answers to this very same question, probably
    the best being the one from "Date: 2000/05/05" titled what you're asking
    "Newbie Q: How to run a SKILL function?".

    Make sure you name your functions & files with capital letters
    (e.g., MyAddPort(), and so you can tell, at a glance,
    which is your function/file vs which is from Cadence (after a few tens
    of thousands of lines of SKILL code, you'll see why this is good advice).

    Also call Cadence and ask them to repost their application library of
    SKILL programs. They create them every day and every time I ask, they quickly
    send me a complete program which does almost exactly what I want, so they must
    have thousands of them archived in their search engines. I know I can find
    them on Sourcelink by looking up keywords, but, it's so very much easier
    if they are published as a complete library (undocumented, unsupported, of
    course). They MUST have these things internally or they'd never be so
    responsive when I ask. Some times they send the SKILL programs to me while
    I'm still on the phone with them (e.g., SKILL history programs, creation
    of shape pins, schematic re-referencers galore, layout compactors, etc.).

    Good luck!
    Simon S. IBM, Dec 29, 2003
  6. Juan F. Osorio

    John Gianni Guest

    Also consider a SKILL class.

    I think these are online so you don't even have to leave your desktop.
    Go to for more details.

    I'm looking at the TOC of the "SKILL Language Programming" training
    class, which covers everything you are asking (and more).
    John Gianni, Dec 30, 2003
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