Getting spam messages that fills my mailbox

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Smiley, Oct 29, 2003.

  1. Smiley

    Smiley Guest

    Sorry for starting a new thread on this existing topic, but for some
    reason Google won't let me reply to the existing thread.

    I've also run into the same issue. I.e. the "W32.Swen.A@mm" virus
    filling my Yahoo e-mail box within hours of me emptying it. I've even
    had some success redirecting a majority of them to my trash, but that
    really doesn't help because that fills up within hours as well.

    I've actually had some correspondence with them over this. Their
    reply was predictable, "just empty your trash regularly"... but I
    replied and again requested that they detect the virus and block it

    I'm so glad I keep my real E-mail address off the usenet. But, I
    still have a problem, because I can't find any news servers which will
    allow me to have a fictitious E-mail address. I even tried, which another person here recommended.
    But, it requires me to enter a valid E-mail to post a message.

    Any more suggestions, besides abandoning usenet?

    Smiley, Oct 29, 2003
  2. Smiley

    Michael Guest

    Michael, Oct 29, 2003
  3. Smiley

    kenneth b Guest

    it's not necessarily a usenet problem, it might be the way you have your
    account set up in your reader.

    i changed my email address just for this post.

    kenneth b
    kenneth b, Oct 29, 2003
  4. Smiley

    Devlin Guest

    Spambots will often figure out your munged email. Just go to hotmail,
    setup an account. Use that account to setup your google groups account
    and then never bother with that hotmail account again.
    Devlin, Oct 30, 2003
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