Getting slower with age

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by JNJ Eaton, Sr., Dec 6, 2003.

  1. You're talking about the same country ???

    Same country, different times... he's talking about how things were once, or
    still are for him if he got a fixed position job before 1997.

    After the first work market reform and specially NOW, after the last reform;
    and that's what I'm talking about...NOW, after the new, "flexible" work
    market. No job security... no, make that no security for anything, no
    ellegibility for a bank loan or for renting a flat, (even though it'll mean
    50-75% of your wage), no paid sick days, the doctor costs little by itself,
    but the day off to visit him is NO PAID, no unemployment money; it's the
    wild west out here.

    Personnel is considered an unnecessary expense, not an asset; and it's
    treated accordingly. Just wait that the reform law get accepted to be used
    with the Public Administration as well; hell will certainly break loose;
    it's just a matter of time until everybody will cry wolf 'round here...

    But it's just normal that italians don't have a clue of what's happening
    around'em if not directly affected... their minds are too occupied with
    stupid TV programs, football soccer and inexisting sex adventures...

    But as long as they believe that Italy means Ferrari, Armani and
    Dolce&Gabbana, nothing will ever happen.
    Giuseppe Carmine De Blasio, Dec 11, 2003
  2. JNJ Eaton, Sr.

    Bill Dickens Guest

    At the age of 65, I read this morning that the average salary of a
    teacher in the Detroit Public Schools (a huge system) is $62,992.
    Compare this with $52,523 for the 98-99 school year. Having a
    master's degree, of course, boosts the salary considerably. Mimimum
    wage for a principal is $100,000.

    A two teacher household makes life livable, especially with the 3
    month vacation in the summer.

    Now if your project the wage curves you get something very

    It becomes even more interesting when you mention to a grade school
    math teacher that she should be grilling the students on their math
    facts and the reply is, "Oh no, that is YOUR responsibility, we teach
    the students how to think... The Business world has spoken and that's
    what they want.

    Lorys is correct, CAD made drawing enjoyable just as electronic
    calculators (HP41CV) made calculations fun.

    But we all missed the boat.

    Bill Dickens, Dec 11, 2003
  3. JNJ Eaton, Sr.

    Tahimik Guest

    Thank you, thank you all you guys. This confirmed what all I am
    telling to wife that cadd person knowledge grow richer with age. I
    will be employable pass my retirement age. I always point out to my
    wife (who is a doctor) that Jarod of of TV series pretender can not
    impersonate cadd person. No way he can learn all those things by just
    reading overnight. To be a seasoned cadd person you have to accumulate
    years of hard labour, you learn new everyday and kept your own library
    of tools.
    Tahimik, Dec 11, 2003
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