Getting Oce 9400-II to work

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Gary Lynch, Jun 25, 2005.

  1. Gary Lynch

    Gary Lynch Guest

    I have seen a few posts to this group addressing problems
    with an Oce 9400-II plotter, which is the only large format
    output device available at my employer. I am trying to print
    C-size schematics from Altium DXP (SP2) running on a
    WinXP-Pro workstation on a Microsoft network.

    All users except me send vector formats to the plotter, mine
    must be rasterized for some reason. After I send it a
    drawing and plotting has finished, the 9400-II's LCD
    continues to display "ANALYZING DATA" for about 2 minutes.
    If anyone (including myself) sends it a file during this
    interval or for an indeterminate time thereafter, the plotter
    enters one of 2 non-functional modes (names my own
    creation), from which only a power cycle will restore it:
    - Deep catatonic mode: Plotter does not respond to any
    commands on its data port at all,
    - "Eyes-open" catatonic mode: Plotter accepts the entire
    data stream, goes through the rasterization and
    "processing" steps of a normal plot, and then goes out
    to lunch, without producing a hardcopy.

    The latter mode is the most vexing, as it may take 5-10
    minutes to discover I am not going to get my schematic.

    I am now power-cycling it every time, as my project falls
    behind schedule.

    Has anyone discovered any sort of workaround (short of
    buying a new plotter--not within my signature authority). Is
    there a way to query the peripheral via the device driver
    and detect its non-functionality from my desk? This would
    save me considerable steps over what I am doing now.

    Gary Lynch | To send mail, no$pam in
    | domain name must be
    gary.lynch@no$ | changed to ieee
    Gary Lynch, Jun 25, 2005
  2. Gary Lynch

    per.corell Guest


    Spend an hour with the setup chapter in this ,

    Natural causes are proberly that the vector data is not reconised
    before the right mode are selected, this link shuld provide a step by
    step , then you proberly could save the sceme.

    per.corell, Jun 25, 2005
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