Getting more than 1 key while in grread

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by diemaker, Oct 26, 2004.

  1. diemaker

    diemaker Guest

    While in a grread, is it possible to type more than one key? Like a number larger than 9.
    The following code draws 3 “X’s†from a point list. I want the X’s to be redrawn if there is a zoom, so grread is being used to create a loop. But while in this loop the user is prompted for a number, which could be 1, 2 or more digits. Grread stops with the first keystroke. I can change the prompt to read …“change the number of points Y/N <N>:†…then Y would bring up a prompt for the new number. But I would prefer to make grread capture the keys until a return is hit? Or is there a better approach?

    (defun C:Z ()
    (setq PL '((0.0 0.0 0.0) (1.0 1.0 0.0) (2.0 2.0 0.0))
    NUM (length PL)
    (prompt (strcat "\nNumber of points = "
    (itoa NUM)
    "\nType new number of points <accept>: "
    (while (/= (car (setq A (grread 't 2 0))) 2)
    (setq SIZ (* 0.02 (getvar "viewsize")))
    (foreach Z PL
    (grdraw (polar Z 0.785 SIZ) (polar Z 3.927 SIZ) 3)
    (grdraw (polar Z 2.356 SIZ) (polar Z 5.498 SIZ) 1)
    (princ A)
    (princ (chr (cadr A)))
    diemaker, Oct 26, 2004
  2. diemaker

    Doug Broad Guest

    To enter more than one keystroke, your while test should check
    for either an <esc> character or the return or space characters.
    Only then should it escape the loop.

    there is a zoom, so grread is being used to create a loop. But while in this loop the user
    is prompted for a number, which could be 1, 2 or more digits. Grread stops with the first
    keystroke. I can change the prompt to read ."change the number of points Y/N <N>:" .then
    Y would bring up a prompt for the new number. But I would prefer to make grread capture
    the keys until a return is hit? Or is there a better approach?
    Doug Broad, Oct 26, 2004
  3. diemaker

    diemaker Guest

    Fantastic, thank you.

    ;;vars used in the next while
    (setq A '(2 111) ;first time while
    NEW ""
    ;;grdraws points till an enter
    (while (and (/= (cadr A) 13) ;return
    (/= (cadr A) 32) ;space
    ;;grdraw X's on the point list, returns grread value
    ;;if not return or space
    (if (and (/= (cadr A) 13) ;return
    (/= (cadr A) 32) ;space
    (= (type (read (chr (cadr A)))) 'INT) ;maker sure it is a number
    ;;build a new number<string> till return is hit
    (progn (setq NEW (strcat NEW (chr (cadr A))))
    (prompt (chr (cadr A)));display number
    ) ;while
    (if (/= NEW "") ;number was changed
    (setq NUM (atoi NEW)) ;make new number
    (set LOOP NIL) ;no new number, stop while
    diemaker, Oct 26, 2004
  4. diemaker

    Doug Broad Guest

    Your welcome. Glad to help.
    Doug Broad, Oct 26, 2004
  5. diemaker

    Doug Broad Guest


    Doug Broad, Oct 26, 2004
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