Getting cadence schematic's image

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by sykab, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. sykab

    sykab Guest


    Can anyone tell me how can I get a schematic image with high quality
    from cadence.

    sykab, Aug 25, 2008
  2. sykab

    Riad KACED Guest

    Dear Sykab,

    You can export a cds schematic/layout as an eps (Encapsulated Post
    Script) file.
    I would recommend the following steps.

    1. Add the following bit at the end of your ~/.cdsplotinit file
    (This is what I've made 5 years back)

    # Customization to print out EPS files from Virtuoso Schematic/Layout

    EPS B&W|Encapsulated Postscript: \
    :manufacturer=Adobe: \
    :type=epsf: \
    :maximumPages#1: \
    :resolution#300: \
    :paperSize="6x8 inches" 1800 2400: \
    :paperSize="8x6 inches" 2400 1800: \
    :paperSize="8x8 inches" 2400 2400: \
    :paperSize="8x10 inches" 2400 3000: \
    :paperSize="10x8 inches" 3000 2400:

    EPS COL|Encapsulated Postscript: \
    :manufacturer=Adobe: \
    :type=epsfC: \
    :maximumPages#1: \
    :resolution#300: \
    :maximumPages#1: \
    :resolution#300: \
    :paperSize="6x8 inches" 1800 2400: \
    :paperSize="8x6 inches" 2400 1800: \
    :paperSize="8x8 inches" 2400 2400: \
    :paperSize="8x10 inches" 2400 3000: \
    :paperSize="10x8 inches" 3000 2400:


    2. Launch your Cadence and your schematic.
    From your Schematic window, go to :
    Design -> Plot -> Submit

    Click the 'Plot Options ...' button and then :
    Choose one of the EPS printers defined above + the desired option.
    Don't forget to tick the 'send plot only to file' button and then fill
    your destination file: ~/mySchematic.eps

    I would recommend to:
    - untick the 'mail log to' button unless you prefer to get emails at
    each print.
    - untick the 'plot header' button in the main plot form.

    Click OK and your CIW should come with a successful Status.

    You can visualize the eps file with ghostView (gv), gimp or any other
    utility in Linux.
    You can include your eps into a Latex document, FrameMaker, ooffice
    and even that commonly used word processor whose name is not worth to
    be mentioned in here ...

    Riad KACED, Aug 25, 2008
  3. sykab

    sykab Guest



    Riad KACED escreveu:
    sykab, Aug 25, 2008
  4. sykab wrote, on 08/25/08 14:56:
    BTW, in IC612, you can also do File->Export Image if you want (say) a PNG file
    (you can increase the resolution too).

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 29, 2008
  5. sykab

    zhongshq Guest

    I can use cdsplot generate pretty fine schmatic image, but only can
    gerenate black-white layout image (EPS). How can I generate colorful
    layout EPS? thank you.
    zhongshq, Aug 30, 2008
  6. sykab

    Riad KACED Guest


    The cdsplotinit I've given above handles both B&W and Color.
    The thing that makes color plots is the 'type' property for the EPS
    If you want the colors, the 'type' must be set to 'epsfC' as above or
    The 'epsfiC' produces an image with WMF/TIFF for previewing in your
    For more details, Please look at Andrew's explanation at the following

    And BTW, for those not interested in such a vectorial format and want
    to make PNGs but still in IC5141, then you can use the standard Linux
    tools. There are loads of them, either in command-line mode : import,
    gnome-panel-screenshot or GUIs, like gimp or kde's ksnapshot. The last
    one is my favorite.

    Riad KACED, Aug 30, 2008
  7. sykab

    Riad KACED Guest


    The cdsplotinit I've given above handles both B&W and Color. The thing
    that makes color plots is the 'type' property for the EPS entry. If
    you want the colors, the 'type' must be set to 'epsfC' as above or
    'epsfiC'. The 'epsfiC' produces an image with WMF/TIFF for previewing
    in your document. For more details, Please look at Andrew's
    explanation at the following link:

    And BTW, for those not interested in such a vectorial format and want
    to make PNGs but still in IC5141, then you can use the standard Linux
    tools. There are loads of them, either in command-line mode : import,
    gnome-panel-screenshot or GUIs, like gimp or kde's ksnapshot. The last
    one is my favorite.

    Riad KACED, Aug 30, 2008
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