Get Real World Coordinates of Layout

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wgrc, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. wgrc

    wgrc Guest

    I have a question about Layouts. I am a novice at AutoCAD, having more experience with ArcGIS. But I think this should be possible?:

    I have a DWG with mutliple layouts for printing sub-regions of a community (the DWG covers the entire community). I want to use VBA to retrieve the REAL world model space coordinates that each Layout depicts, not the paper space units. Is this possible? All the experimenting so far has only yielded paper space coordinates.

    Thanks in advance!

    Greg Coniglio

    Public Sub MyTest()

    Dim dwg As AutoCAD.AcadDocument
    Set dwg = ThisDrawing

    Dim lyt As AcadLayout
    Dim blk As AcadBlock
    Dim vpt As AcadViewport

    For L = 0 To dwg.Layouts.Count - 1
    Set lyt = dwg.Layouts(L)
    Set blk = lyt.Block
    'MsgBox dwg.Viewports(L).Name
    'Set vpt = dwg.Viewports(L)

    MsgBox lyt.PlotOrigin(0)
    Next L

    End Sub
    wgrc, Mar 15, 2005
  2. I think what you need are the WCS coordinates of the viewports on the
    layouts. Here's a start for you, hopefully...


    experience with ArcGIS. But I think this should be possible?:
    (the DWG covers the entire community). I want to use VBA to retrieve the
    REAL world model space coordinates that each Layout depicts, not the paper
    space units. Is this possible? All the experimenting so far has only
    yielded paper space coordinates.
    James Belshan, Mar 21, 2005
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