get length of polyline/line in vba

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by johnbortoli, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. johnbortoli

    johnbortoli Guest

    I am a newcomer to vba and would like to know if anyone has some code which will prompt a user to select an object on screen ie. line/polyline and then save the length of the object so that i can beplaced in ablock as an atrribute. I have got the block part ok i am not sure of the get length and saving as attribute.
    Help much appreciated
    johnbortoli, Jan 9, 2004
  2. johnbortoli

    Joe Sutphin Guest


    Here is a function I just wrote that returns the length of a polyline. Hope
    this helps.

    Option Explicit

    Public Function LengthOfPolyline() As Double
    Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    Dim Point As Variant
    Dim Pline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim ExplodedObjects As Variant
    Dim oRegion As Variant
    Dim Index As Long

    'handle errors inline
    On Error Resume Next

    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Entity, Point, "Select polyline"
    'nothing was selected
    If Entity Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    If Entity.ObjectName <> "AcDbPolyline" Then Exit Function

    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    'cast Entity to Polyline proper
    Set Pline = Entity
    'explode polyline to get array of individual entities
    ExplodedObjects = Pline.Explode

    oRegion = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(ExplodedObjects)
    End If

    'return the length of the polyline
    LengthOfPolyline = oRegion(0).Perimeter

    'clean up the screen
    For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    Next Index

    'delete the region object
    Set Entity = oRegion(0)
    End Function

    Public Sub Test()
    MsgBox "Length of Polyline is " & LengthOfPolyline, vbOKOnly, "Polyline
    End Sub

    which will prompt a user to select an object on screen ie. line/polyline and
    then save the length of the object so that i can beplaced in ablock as an
    atrribute. I have got the block part ok i am not sure of the get length and
    saving as attribute.
    Joe Sutphin, Jan 9, 2004
  3. I thought I should mention that in A2k4 Polylines and LWPolylines have a
    Length property. Joes code is still valid for prior releases.

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | John,
    | Here is a function I just wrote that returns the length of a polyline.
    | this helps.
    | Joe
    | --
    | Option Explicit
    | Public Function LengthOfPolyline() As Double
    | Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    | Dim Point As Variant
    | Dim Pline As AcadLWPolyline
    | Dim ExplodedObjects As Variant
    | Dim oRegion As Variant
    | Dim Index As Long
    | 'handle errors inline
    | On Error Resume Next
    | ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Entity, Point, "Select polyline"
    | 'nothing was selected
    | If Entity Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    | If Entity.ObjectName <> "AcDbPolyline" Then Exit Function
    | If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    | 'cast Entity to Polyline proper
    | Set Pline = Entity
    | 'explode polyline to get array of individual entities
    | ExplodedObjects = Pline.Explode
    | oRegion = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(ExplodedObjects)
    | End If
    | 'return the length of the polyline
    | LengthOfPolyline = oRegion(0).Perimeter
    | 'clean up the screen
    | For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    | Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    | Entity.Delete
    | Next Index
    | 'delete the region object
    | Set Entity = oRegion(0)
    | Entity.Delete
    | End Function
    | Public Sub Test()
    | MsgBox "Length of Polyline is " & LengthOfPolyline, vbOKOnly, "Polyline
    | length"
    | End Sub
    | | > I am a newcomer to vba and would like to know if anyone has some code
    | which will prompt a user to select an object on screen ie. line/polyline
    | then save the length of the object so that i can beplaced in ablock as an
    | atrribute. I have got the block part ok i am not sure of the get length
    | saving as attribute.
    | > Help much appreciated
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 9, 2004
  4. johnbortoli

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    OK Robert is a version that works for both. Be sure to add a reference to
    the Microsoft Visual Basic Extensibility 5.3 library.

    Public Function LengthOfPolyline() As Double
    Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    Dim Point As Variant
    Dim Pline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim ExplodedObjects As Variant
    Dim oRegion As Variant
    Dim Index As Long

    'handle errors inline
    On Error Resume Next

    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Entity, Point, "Select polyline"
    'nothing was selected
    If Entity Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    If Entity.ObjectName <> "AcDbPolyline" Then Exit Function

    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    'cast Entity to Polyline proper
    Set Pline = Entity

    'determine if using 2004 or previous version
    If Not IsReferenceMarked("C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk
    Shared\acax16enu.tlb") Then
    'explode polyline to get array of individual entities
    ExplodedObjects = Pline.Explode

    oRegion = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddRegion(ExplodedObjects)

    LengthOfPolyline = Pline.Length
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If

    'return the length of the polyline
    LengthOfPolyline = oRegion(0).Perimeter

    'clean up the screen
    For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    Next Index

    'delete the region object
    Set Entity = oRegion(0)
    End Function

    Public Function IsReferenceMarked(Reference As String) As Boolean
    Dim objIDE As VBIDE.VBE
    Dim References() As String
    Dim intI As Integer

    Set objIDE = Application.VBE

    ReDim References(1 To objIDE.ActiveVBProject.References.Count, 1)

    For intI = 1 To objIDE.ActiveVBProject.References.Count
    References(intI, 0) =
    If References(intI, 0) = Reference Then
    IsReferenceMarked = True
    Exit Function
    End If
    Next intI
    End Function

    Public Sub Test()
    MsgBox "Length of Polyline is " & LengthOfPolyline, vbOKOnly, "Polyline
    End Sub
    Joe Sutphin, Jan 9, 2004
  5. How can you say this gets the length of a polyline?

    It only works if the polyline is closed and not
    Tony Tanzillo, Jan 9, 2004
  6. johnbortoli

    johnbortoli Guest

    thanks guys but you are scaring me. how can i save the length to an attribute in a block. my idea is for a user to be prompted to select a line or polyline on screen and then after it is selected the length should be saved so that it can be passed to a sub for creating ablock with an attribute being the length. i expect to use this at least 100 times per drawing to eventually create a bom of at least 6 components per line/polyline.
    johnbortoli, Jan 12, 2004
  7. The (LW)Polyline has a Length property in A2k4. Are you on A2k4? Just use

    If not, you can search for many pre-A2k4 solutions in this ng.

    R. Robert Bell, MCSE

    | thanks guys but you are scaring me. how can i save the length to an
    attribute in a block. my idea is for a user to be prompted to select a line
    or polyline on screen and then after it is selected the length should be
    saved so that it can be passed to a sub for creating ablock with an
    attribute being the length. i expect to use this at least 100 times per
    drawing to eventually create a bom of at least 6 components per
    | thanks
    R. Robert Bell, Jan 12, 2004
  8. johnbortoli

    johnbortoli Guest

    no at present i am using 2002. the following is my code so far.
    the objects selected on screen will either be polyline or lines and total length is required

    Option Explicit

    Sub CreatingTendonId()
    ' Define the block
    Dim blockObj As AcadBlock
    Dim insertionPnt(0 To 2) As Double
    Set blockObj = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Add _
    (insertionPnt, "cable")

    ' Add a circle to the block
    Dim circleObj As AcadCircle
    Dim center(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim radius As Double
    center(0) = 1: center(1) = 1: center(2) = 1
    radius = 320
    Set circleObj = blockObj.AddCircle(center, radius)
    circleObj.color = acYellow

    ' Add attributes to the block
    Dim attributeObj As AcadAttribute
    Dim getlength As Double
    Dim height As Double
    Dim mode As Long
    Dim prompt As String
    Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim tag As String
    Dim value As String
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeVerify
    prompt = "tendon-id"
    insertionPoint(0) = 1
    insertionPoint(1) = 1
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "ID"
    value = "20"
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    attributeObj.color = acYellow
    attributeObj.Alignment = acAlignmentMiddleCenter
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeVerify
    prompt = "No-Strands"
    insertionPoint(0) = -56
    insertionPoint(1) = -690
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "strands"
    value = "5s" 'will come from list box eventually
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    attributeObj.Rotation = 1.571
    attributeObj.color = acYellow
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeInvisible
    prompt = "Anchor Block"
    insertionPoint(0) = 5
    insertionPoint(1) = 5
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "anchor"
    value = "AB405" 'will come from list box eventually
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeInvisible
    prompt = "Coupler"
    insertionPoint(0) = 25
    insertionPoint(1) = 25
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "coupler"
    value = "CB405" 'will come from list box eventually
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeInvisible
    prompt = "Dead (swage/onion)"
    insertionPoint(0) = 5
    insertionPoint(1) = 5
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "dead"
    value = "ONION" 'will come from list box eventually
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeInvisible
    prompt = "Pocket (No off)"
    insertionPoint(0) = 5
    insertionPoint(1) = 5
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "pocket"
    value = "2" 'will come from list box eventually
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    height = 250
    mode = acAttributeModeInvisible
    prompt = "tendon Length"
    insertionPoint(0) = 5
    insertionPoint(1) = 5
    insertionPoint(2) = 0
    tag = "length"
    value = length 'this is where i wish to
    'have the length placed in the block
    Set attributeObj = blockObj.AddAttribute(height, mode, _
    prompt, insertionPoint, tag, value)
    End Sub
    Sub InsertTendonIdBlock()
    ' Insert the block, creating a block reference
    ' and an attribute reference
    Dim blockRefObj As AcadBlockReference
    Dim inspt As Variant
    inspt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "select insertion point: ")
    Set blockRefObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock _
    (inspt, "cable", 1#, 1#, 1#, 0)
    ' ' Get the attributes for the block reference
    ' Dim varAttributes As Variant
    ' varAttributes = blockRefObj.GetAttributes
    ' ' Move the attribute tags and values into a
    ' ' string to be displayed in a Msgbox
    ' Dim strAttributes As String
    ' strAttributes = ""
    ' Dim I As Integer
    ' For I = LBound(varAttributes) To UBound(varAttributes)
    ' strAttributes = strAttributes + " Tag: " + _
    ' varAttributes(I).TagString + vbCrLf + _
    ' " Value: " + varAttributes(I).TextString
    ' Next
    ' MsgBox "The attributes for blockReference " + _
    ' blockRefObj.Name & " are: " & vbCrLf _
    ' & strAttributes

    End Sub
    johnbortoli, Jan 12, 2004
  9. johnbortoli

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    Replace the previous LengthOfPolyline function with this one.

    Public Function LengthOfPolyline() As Double
    Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    Dim Point As Variant
    Dim Pline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim ExplodedObjects As Variant
    Dim PLineLength As Double
    Dim Index As Long
    Dim oLine As AcadLine
    Dim oArc As AcadArc

    'handle errors inline
    On Error Resume Next

    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Entity, Point, "Select polyline"
    'nothing was selected
    If Entity Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    If Entity.ObjectName <> "AcDbPolyline" Then Exit Function

    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    'cast Entity to Polyline proper
    Set Pline = Entity

    'determine if using 2004 or previous version
    If Not IsReferenceMarked("C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk
    Shared\acax16enu.tlb") Then
    'explode polyline to get array of individual entities
    ExplodedObjects = Pline.Explode

    For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLine Then
    Set oLine = Entity
    PLineLength = PLineLength + oLine.Length
    End If

    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadArc Then
    Set oArc = Entity
    PLineLength = PLineLength + oArc.ArcLength
    End If
    Next Index

    LengthOfPolyline = PLineLength
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If

    'return the length of the polyline
    LengthOfPolyline = PLineLength

    'clean up the screen
    For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    Next Index
    End Function
    Joe Sutphin, Jan 12, 2004
  10. johnbortoli

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    Actually, scrub the whole previous post. Here is how you can do it in any
    version. Granted there is a Length property exposed for Pline's in 2004 but
    this routine does not have to deal with the version issue when using it in a
    version post 2002.


    Option Explicit

    Public Function LengthOfPolyline() As Double
    Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    Dim Point As Variant
    Dim Pline As AcadLWPolyline
    Dim ExplodedObjects As Variant
    Dim PLineLength As Double
    Dim Index As Long
    Dim oLine As AcadLine
    Dim oArc As AcadArc

    'handle errors inline
    On Error Resume Next

    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Entity, Point, "Select polyline"
    'nothing was selected
    If Entity Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    If Entity.ObjectName <> "AcDbPolyline" Then Exit Function

    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    'cast Entity to Polyline proper
    Set Pline = Entity

    'explode polyline to get array of individual entities
    ExplodedObjects = Pline.Explode

    For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadLine Then
    Set oLine = Entity
    PLineLength = PLineLength + oLine.Length
    End If

    If TypeOf Entity Is AcadArc Then
    Set oArc = Entity
    PLineLength = PLineLength + oArc.ArcLength
    End If
    Next Index
    End If

    'return the length of the polyline
    LengthOfPolyline = PLineLength

    'clean up the screen
    For Index = 0 To UBound(ExplodedObjects)
    Set Entity = ExplodedObjects(Index)
    Next Index
    End Function

    Public Sub Test()
    MsgBox "Length of Polyline is " & LengthOfPolyline, vbOKOnly, "Polyline
    End Sub
    Joe Sutphin, Jan 12, 2004
  11. This should do the job. It will also calculate the projected distance of a
    3d poly
    Just add some error checking and you should be fine.
    I'll leave the testing to you.

    Private Function Plen(pl As AcadObject) As Double
    Dim Coors As Variant
    Dim Dx As Double
    Dim Dy As Double
    Dim Tv As Long
    Dim Bg() As Double
    Dim j As Long
    Dim Larc As Double
    Dim Radio As Double
    Dim AngI As Double
    Dim AngD As Double
    Dim Cuerda As Double
    Dim st As Integer
    Dim p3d As Boolean

    p3d = False

    If TypeOf pl Is AcadLWPolyline Then
    st = 2
    ElseIf TypeOf pl Is AcadPolyline Then
    st = 3
    ElseIf TypeOf pl Is Acad3DPolyline Then
    st = 3: p3d = True
    Plen = 0
    Exit Function
    End If

    Coors = pl.Coordinates
    Tv = (UBound(Coors) + 1) / st
    ReDim Bg(Tv - 1)
    For i = 0 To Tv - 1
    If p3d Then Bg(i) = 0 Else Bg(i) = pl.GetBulge(i)
    Next i
    j = 0

    For i = 0 To UBound(Coors) - st Step st
    Dx = Coors(i + st) - Coors(i)
    Dy = Coors(i + st + 1) - Coors(i + 1)
    Cuerda = Sqr(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy)
    If Bg(j) <> 0 Then
    AngI = 4# * Atn(Abs(Bg(j)))
    AngD = (AngI / 2#) - ((Atn(1#) * 4#) / 2#)
    Radio = (Cuerda / 2#) / (Cos(AngD))
    Larc = AngI * Radio
    Plen = Plen + Larc
    Plen = Plen + Cuerda
    End If
    j = j + 1
    Next i

    End Function

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica
    which will prompt a user to select an object on screen ie. line/polyline and
    then save the length of the object so that i can beplaced in ablock as an
    atrribute. I have got the block part ok i am not sure of the get length and
    saving as attribute.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jan 14, 2004
  12. johnbortoli

    arcadio Guest

    If you don't mind command line propmts here's a shorter approach that works on almost any kind of cuves even on circles.

    Public Function LengthOfCurve() As Double
    Dim Entity As AcadEntity
    Dim Point As Variant
    Dim str As String
    Dim per As Long

    'handle errors inline
    On Error Resume Next

    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Entity, Point, "Select curve"

    'nothing was selected
    If Entity Is Nothing Then Exit Function

    ' create a lisp string
    str = "(handent " & Chr(34) & Entity.Handle & Chr(34) & ")" & vbCr

    ThisDrawing.SendCommand "_Area" & vbCr & "_O" & vbCr & str

    ' lengths are saved in Perimeter var
    per = ThisDrawing.GetVariable("PERIMETER")

    ' returning
    LengthOfCurve = per

    End Function

    arcadio, Jan 14, 2004
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