Get Computer Specification

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by garmen, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. garmen

    garmen Guest

    Hi there,

    I am trying to get a way to gather some detailed information about my
    computer specification for my IT principles exam.

    I got around finding the following:
    Hard Drive Size
    Processor Speed
    Graphics Card
    Graphics Card Memory
    Memory Ram Size

    I would like to know information about the following:
    Hard Drive Speed
    Memory RAM Composition
    Memory RAM Speed

    Do any of you know how to get the above information, based on the
    information provided by the PC itself (not recurring to the Internet),
    by running a command on Ms-Dos/RUN facility, perhaps or Start/Control

    I am aware that there are certain software packages freely available
    on the Internet that search in the system and produce a report with
    the majority of the above, but in my exam I am not allowed to use

    A prompt reply would be very much appreciated as my exam is due in a
    week time!

    garmen, Jan 10, 2008
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