Get body name API

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JJZ, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. JJZ

    JJZ Guest


    I'm working on a macro that applies changes to the model (part), and
    measures the volume of only one body. I need to get the volume of the
    selected solidbody. To select the body, I need to get the name of the
    body. But I can't get it. Any suggestions??

    JJZ, Apr 16, 2004
  2. I used the code below to select a body by passing one of the features used
    to create the body.

    Public Sub SelectBody(Feat As SldWorks.Feature, Append As Boolean, Mark As
    'this proceedure assumes that you are attached to sldworks and a doc is

    Dim FeatFaces As Variant
    Dim FirstFace As SldWorks.face2
    Dim FeatBody As SldWorks.body2

    FeatFaces = Feat.GetFaces
    Set FirstFace = FeatFaces(1)
    Set FeatBody = FirstFace.GetBody

    FeatBody.Select Append, Mark

    End Sub
    Corey Scheich, Apr 16, 2004
  3. JJZ

    Heikki Leivo Guest

    You don't have to "select" the body in order to measure its volume. Instead
    you can traverse through all bodies in the model to find the wanted body,
    and then use MassProperty api to get its volume.

    First, use PartDoc::GetBodies2 method to get all bodies in the model.
    Assuming that the variable objModel contains the active part, you could use
    the following code..

    Dim vntBodies As Variant
    vntBodies = objModel.GetBodies2(swSolidBody, False)

    Then loop through the bodies to find the correct body. What might be
    confusing is, that the bodies don't have a name, but instead they have
    "Selection ID". For example, if you'd like to measure a body named "Foo",
    you could use the following piece of code to loop through the returned

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To UBound(vntBodies)
    Dim objBody As SldWorks.body2
    Set objBody = vntBodies(i)
    If objBody.GetSelectionId = "Foo" Then Exit For

    Finally you have to obtain the MassPropery object to measure the volume, for

    'Get the massProperty object...
    Dim objMassProperty As SldWorks.MassProperty
    Set objMassProperty = objModel.Extension.CreateMassProperty

    'Declare an array for bodies...
    Dim arrBodies(0 To 0) As SldWorks.body2
    Set arrBodies(0) = objBody

    With objMassProperty
    .AddBodies arrBodies
    'Output the volume
    MsgBox "The volume is " & .Volume & " in model units"
    End With

    Hope this helps! More specific information can be found in API help.

    Heikki Leivo, Apr 16, 2004
  4. JJZ

    JJZ Guest

    Thanks for your reply. It's working now.

    JJZ, Apr 19, 2004
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