Geometry Lock

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by zxys, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Geometry Lock has been mentioned on a few sites as of late.

    That is, STOP the features from REBUILDING at a point in time.

    For instance,.. an example of SolidWorks Corp's POOR PROGRAMMING...
    Remove or delete a NON releted feature (even a sketch of a sketch
    image or a simple unrelated feature) and the WHOLE feature list


    This have been happening since I've used this PIECE OF CRAP modeler
    back in 1998!!!

    I wanted to remind people that this NOT NEW, it has been a LONG OVER
    DUE REQUEST where by SolidWorks Corp has CONTINUED to NOT APPLY NEEDED

    Instead, SolidWorks Corp CONTINUES to release HALF BAKED UNPRODUCTIVE
    CRAP the users DO NOT NEED or WANT! Or, add crap AutoCad users miss/

    So, if you have some free time.... please, write to SolidWorks Corp
    and tell them to STICK IT UP THEIR ASS!!!!

    Thanks.. 8^)
    zxys, Nov 18, 2007
  2. zxys

    phil scott Guest

    ok..that was nice... how far should they stick it? you must be
    more specific if you are to get should know that from
    experience with constraints.

    I have inventor pro. 2008 a little arcane around the edges...and in
    many aspects not as slick at SolidWorks... and it appears SW is easier
    to use and to learn, but i dont know actually


    Phil scott
    phil scott, Nov 19, 2007
  3. zxys

    zxys Guest

    Choose your unit of measure, or however deep you prefer it be,.. I
    could careless.

    Well, well, well,... I don't know, I know.... what are constraints,..
    I've never heard of constraints!????

    Wow... that is news to me.. and I've used 3D since the late
    eighties... oh boy, learn something every day...

    Inventor??? Please,.. go to the AutoDe$k newsgroup. Now, that is a
    company who knows 3D and how far to stick it up!???

    Anyhow, back to reality,.. or, if you did know anything about
    SolidWorks or constraint based solvers,.. the rebuilds happen with
    entities and features which DO NOT HAVE CONSTRAINTS, OR PARENTS
    (default planes), FOR THIS TO HAPPEN! It's called.... PISS POOR
    PROGRAMMING! It's really that simple.

    Ah,... never mind,.. maybe this has always been the problem with
    SolidWorks and other dysfunctional 3D programs... the majority of
    users don't have a FUCKING CLUE how to use the program!?!?!?

    zxys, Nov 19, 2007
  4. zxys

    jon_banquer Guest

    Ah,... never mind,.. maybe this has always been the problem with
    You could take a break and download IronCAD V10 and see if it really
    does a much better job with large assemblies like they claim. I wish I
    had the time right now. Spending all my time working with the
    developers of HSMWorks because CAM is badly lagging CAD.

    "Single design environment - IronCAD is very unique in that it does
    not require the support of a separate assembly and part file, instead
    it only requires a single file which has the ability to support both
    parts and assemblies seamlessly. This approach allows the user to
    effortlessly move between part and assembly design. It allows parts to
    be created in context to the full assembly model without having to
    setup a constraint relationship first. This fully-integrated
    environment allows the user to let the assembly structure evolve
    within a single file, and and at any time link out or insert files as
    required to create the desired assembly structure."

    "In context design - Traditional CAD systems create what is called a
    feature tree that captures the order in which the features were
    combined to create the model. When you want to edit a feature in this
    tree all the features that occur after that point in the history are
    blanked out. Software that utilizes this approach creates a non-
    productive situation for the user because many times the feature they
    would like to reference has been removed. IronCAD does not have this
    restriction. A user can reference any visible feature on a part while
    making any required changes. This makes it both easier and faster for
    the user."

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Nov 19, 2007
  5. zxys

    zxys Guest


    zxys, Nov 19, 2007
  6. zxys

    neil Guest

    LOL ;o)
    neil, Nov 19, 2007
  7. zxys

    phil scott Guest

    ya...welll I was interested in DOOFUS CAD but you have screwwed that
    up for me.

    that leaves me STUCK with Inventor where i have to constrain every
    little thing or it screws up when all I want to do is make a living
    hussling business for fab shops.

    and for YOUR information.. constraint means clicking the little fix
    point button a lot.
    whatever.. we know what you dknow now....zipppp. and you TRASHED

    OK now here is a test to sse if you have been around long enough...
    what color were the diamonds and who the hell is little darlin?

    well... out with it....

    I thought so NO dAMN CLOO.

    phil scott, Nov 19, 2007
  8. zxys

    TOP Guest


    I think they do that now in a totally transparent and uncontrolable
    way. If you have tried to get a model, drawing or assembly to totally
    rebuild at some point you will realize that nothing you can do will
    always get the job done. But something like a roll back bar that stops
    activity above it isn't a bad thought if it is possible. A feature
    tree that shows where the branchs are wouldn't be a bad thing either.

    (The Other Paul)
    TOP, Nov 22, 2007
  9. zxys

    jon_banquer Guest

    A feature tree that shows where the branchs are wouldn't be a bad thing either.

    No shit, Sherlock. Making the FeatureManager easy to follow
    (especially when you didn't create the part / assembly) should be the
    top priority for SolidWorks 2009. I can't think of anything that needs
    to be revamped in SolidWorks more than this.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Nov 22, 2007
  10. Odd timing - I was at a user group two weeks ago and Lloyd Beachy, in
    missionary mode, handed me a sheet with this exact enhancement
    request on it hoping I would sign on to it.

    The real drag is that THIS WOULD BE EASY TO IMPLEMENT (except for the
    "caveat", below). But dopn't let the caveat stop it - even if it was
    half done, it would be better than not doing it.

    Paul, you of course remember the bad old days when we couldn't roll
    back a part at all without it rebuilding from the very top of the
    tree. This went away circa 2003 (I don't remember the exact release,
    but it was around then). This is because SolidWorks now saves
    parasolid snapshots of the model at various points in the feature tree
    so when we rollback or make changes we only have to rebuild from the
    last snapshot - not from the top. This is called 'partitioned

    This was one of the reasons (I suspect) Thilo stepped up and improved
    ecosqueeze - he wanted to remove parasolid info because that was
    causing mega-bloat in our files. Anyone want to know why your files
    are getting so huge? Partition rollback is the biggest cause, and
    that's what ecosqueeze removes when you tell it to remove parasolid
    data. New folks - check out, experiment with, and cherish ecosqueeze

    So I think the path to glory on your request has two parts:

    1) when you delete a feature, SolidWorks checks to see if there are
    dependents. There is already a parent-child list so this info is
    already available. Any of you macro guys want to chime in, here is
    your opening - seems like it would be easy to me (except for the
    "Caveat", below).

    2) When you open a part from an earlier version of SolidWorks, we know
    it's a crapshoot on whether it will rebuild the same (or at all).
    What gets me is that there is already parasolid snapshots behind the
    scenes, so why can't we use it? Here's the case - last week I opened
    a job from 2005 and needed to make a new part to fit it. Of course
    the 2005 part erupted in bloody errors that prevented anything from
    rebuilding, and even if it did rebuild there is no guarantee that the
    features will rebuild the same. Fortunately we had an IGES of the
    original released part lying around that we could use to for
    references to make the new part (tips to the newbies - always save a
    parasolid or IGES of all released products so you can reference a
    locked version of your geometries if you need to do any other
    development in a later release!)
    The thing that gets my goat is that the feature tree of that part from
    2005 probably already has the parasolid info locked into its tree.
    Why can't I get an option to use that instead?

    The promised "Caveat" - This is what I bet Solid Work's line will be
    - what about equations? For instance, if I have an offset plane in my
    part, and if I have another dim in a sketch that through an equation
    is set to be related to the offset-dim of that plane, I have a
    problem. A parent-child on that plane shows no children, but if I
    delete the plane the equation is now in error.

    There are also in-context ramifications - parent parts don't know
    about their kids except when child relations are made to the sketch in
    the parent (a tag is left somehow, and will let you know that there
    are outside relations when you try to delete a referenced segment,
    though you don't know if it is local or through the assembly - it's
    weird, and I bet no one in Concord actually knows this)
    SolidWorks would have to take on a major project to clean this all up
    and have it make sense. Without adding more to an already long post,
    it's a big nut for them and it is far easier to just-make-us rebuild
    than actually work it out. Maybe around 2015 they will finally clean
    up their references, get all kids under their parents so we can see
    everything that parts already know, add new stuff they need to know,
    and otherwise get all this stuff in line. Sorry to end with a bummer,
    but I think this is what's going on and why you have to rebuild.

    Edward T Eaton, Nov 22, 2007
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