Discussion in 'Cadence' started by miatamoose2, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. miatamoose2

    miatamoose2 Guest

    When I worked at Cadence, I had a skill routine from somewhere that
    returned the area of a SELECTED object. It was called Now
    that I am with another company, I need this routine. I do not need a
    routine that does not act on a SELECTED object. Does anyone have a
    copy of or another skill routine which returns the area of
    a SELECTED object. I am generally using OA but the program I used
    worked in both CDBA and OA. Thanks,
    John Greene
    miatamoose2, Apr 22, 2009
  2. miatamoose2

    miatamoose2 Guest

    A former co-worker saw this post and had an archive of my skill
    I am saved! John
    miatamoose2, Apr 22, 2009
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