generating Section geometry

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rocheey, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. rocheey

    rocheey Guest

    Im attempting to generate my own 2d sections from 3d geometry (solids)
    using vba.

    Im hoping to get not only the profiles of the solids sectioned at a
    plane/location, but also unsectioned geometry from solids just 'out of
    of the plane section.

    Ive already tried/tweaked the "SectionSolid" call; but it only returns
    geometry directly thru the section, and none of the unsectioned
    background objects.

    So now Im trying to use the GenerateSectionGeometry sub, in acad vba.

    The docs for GenerateSectionGeometry are sparse; Ive seen nothing on
    different web searches. I have a few questions that may help get the
    ball rolling here. Id appreciate *any* insight into these problems:

    1)The section Object itself: I tried usinn the "AddSection" method,
    unsuccessfully. What is the plane vector? How do I format it?

    2) I skipped by that and attempted to use the GenerateSectionGeometry
    call from an existing section plane made manually in a drawing. The
    help states the "pEntity" param is an "entity" -
    which entity? The solid that has to be sectioned? That returns an
    error. A Block, like AddSection requires ? (remember, the manual
    version of this call also returns geometry in a block), so i tried
    both blocks, and blockrefs - nogo.

    Im stumped. Theres nothing in the help, nothing online.If one of you
    gurus can pull a rabbit out of the hat on this one, I *promise* not to
    send you any fruitcake for Xmas.

    or maybe theres another way? A way I can get the culled profiles, of
    non-intersecting geometry from solids ? Then I can use the
    sectionsolid call, with the geometry formatting libs I just wrote.

    Thanks, guys ....
    rocheey, Dec 18, 2007
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