generating schematic from extracted views

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Chalam Pattam, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. While using some of the tools kits I have noticed schematics missing,
    but do have extracted views, In this case we can generate a
    synthesised verilog netlist and then import it to cadence and generate
    the schematic.

    Here are the steps:

    1) First of all you need to open up the cell in extracted view
    for which you
    want a schematic.

    2) Click Tools->Verilog-XL, click the Run button, What this does
    it creates a
    netlist of the extracted view in the "Run Directory" as mentioned in

    3) Copy the verilog netlist file located at "Run
    to a file name suppose "schematic.v".

    4) Now in the main CIW window of cadence click File-> Import ->

    5) Do create a test library which you can put in the "Target
    Library Name" in
    Verilog input popup., in "Reference Libraries" I had to include "My
    toolkit LibraryName" and
    in "Verilog Files to Import" put the file saved as in step 3

    6) Apply and your schematic should be created in the "Target
    Library Name" as
    you mentioned.

    For making 100% sure the schematic is correct run and LVS with the
    Chalam Pattam, Apr 13, 2004
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