Generating a BoM with Repeat Regions, Family tables and parameters --- Help !

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Peter j Francis, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. I have a component in an assembly that I want to include in a BoM on
    the drawing (a repeat region) but I need to change the name that
    appears in the BoM.
    The name I want is stored in the family table of the assembly.
    I've tried a number of different techniques but the best I can get is
    a blank entry in the relevant column.

    I've created a relation in the drawing's repeat region (see below)
    which detects the incorrect part name (1st line) and should substitute
    the correct name (label_part_no) to a parameter (my_part_no). The
    remaining lines make sure anything that doesn't match is processed
    normally. The repeat region then enters the parameter my_part_no into
    the relevant column. This generates a table with a blank entry.
    If I substitute "this is a test" for label_part_no , I get the text
    entered into the column !!

    if asm_mbr_name == "FAN_SIZE_60"
    my_part_no = label_part_no
    my_part_no = asm_mbr_name

    Does anyone have any suggestions ?
    Peter j Francis, Mar 15, 2005
  2. Peter j Francis

    Arlin Guest

    I am assuming that 'label_part_no' is a parameter name of your part.

    Try this:
    instead of just label_part_no,
    Arlin, Mar 15, 2005
  3. Hi Arlin,
    Thanks for the reply , I've tried as you've suggested and I still get
    a blank cell in the table. I can't think what else to try :-(


    Peter j Francis, Mar 16, 2005
  4. Peter j Francis

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Arlin wrote ....part.

    Still assuming label_part_no is a part (asm_mbr) parameter; use
    asm_mbr_label_part_no as Arlin said. You will also have to (I believe; I
    know nil about this but have gotten it to work in the past) add a column to
    your repeat region and make it show the values of label_part_no. I guess
    that for some reason the repeat region relation cannot "see" the model
    parameter until that's done. Once you get everything set up you can delete
    the label_part_no column from the table and things should continue to work
    Jeff Howard, Mar 16, 2005
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