General Procedure Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Reinisch, May 1, 2007.

  1. For those of you that work in larger groups (more than 3) do you have any
    procedures that define how an assembly is to constrained/mated etc?

    Do you use mates for position only or to check design then suppress?

    Do you mandate a fully constrained assembly?

    Do you leave it up to the descretion of the designer?

    What I am getting at is how do you define in a procedure that designers
    should not be spending an inordinate amount of time constraining/mating
    things that later end up blowing up your model or just being a waste of

    thnks for any input.

    Steve R
    Steve Reinisch, May 1, 2007
  2. Steve Reinisch

    pete Guest

    1, Never have three of the same type of constraints, on any one part or sub

    2, All fully constrained, even toolbox parts, before placing in Pdmworks All
    limit mates suppressed. These limit mates are always put in to folders and
    the replacement fixed mates are also put into folders, making them easier to
    find. Otherwise the assembly always wants to rebuild upon opening.

    3, The designer gets a thick ear otherwise, lol.

    I don't know why, but it has saved a lot of headaches and seems to work
    better, when replacing a part or sub-assembly.
    pete, May 1, 2007
  3. I am the one responsible here for the SW installation, and my policy has
    generally been that I don't mandate something unless it's absolutely
    necessary. One example is that all of our various drawing templates have
    the title block info tied to properties - one stop shopping. Thou shalt not
    change stuff IN the title block except for unusual circumstances.

    Now, that being said, I feel that no two people work alike, and since most
    of our projects are just a few people at a time, I don't enforce many rules.
    I personally don't fully constrain the rotation of hardware unless it's
    necessary in real life - why spend the time & processing power for the
    unnecessary mate. Some people don't want to see any minus signs. Some
    people prefer configs, others prefer one part per file to make sure they
    don't screw up another part. Some use in-context, others hate it. I figure
    that if you let a person work the way they choose, **within reason**, they
    will be more productive.

    Does it cause problems? Sure, sometimes when you try to figure out what
    that person did. But for the most part around here, it's not too bad.

    I also ask them to watch for repetitive operations such that maybe I can
    automate at least a portion of it. I always figure that if I can show them
    that my way will make their job easier, they are more likely to use it. And
    that same thought drives me to be better at what I try to implement to
    improve the efficiency of the whole department.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 1, 2007
  4. Steve Reinisch

    matt Guest

    I agree for the most part with Wayne. I might set up a set of "best
    practice suggestions", recognizing that what works great in some
    situations is a really bad idea in other situations. For example, in
    general, I like working with assembly layout sketches, but if you are
    using dynamic assy motion for visualization or animation, you can't do
    that unless you have a config that suppresses mates.

    Configs are also a great idea, but it only takes a couple of slip-ups to
    fubar a config, so design tables are often a great way to go. Some
    configurable parameters cannot be driven by design tables. Everything is
    a trade off, there are no perfect answers.

    Fully defining parts that have in-context relations should be mandatory,
    and making in-context to moving parts is often a bad idea, but if you
    have a single instance used to make all the in-context relations, and
    another instance of the part used for motion, that is ok, but again, it
    may be difficult to manage if you don't know what's going on.

    The stuff that is really important for groups to be doing together is
    the File Management stuff - how you name and store your files,
    especially revisions. Also, getting Toolbox to work with a group without
    causing problems can be a little tricky. Those are things that really do
    need to be standardized right up front, without any wishy-washy variations.

    I think fully constraining assemblies is sometimes a waste of time.
    There have been suggestions that underdefined assemblies take longer to
    solve. This is possible, I haven't done any research to verify or
    contradict this, so I really don't know. Rotationally defining things
    like pins and set screws can work for or against you, but I think it's
    more likely to work against you. Having too many open degrees of freedom
    can make dynamic assy motion jerky and unpredictable (could be caused by
    a poorly defined pin), but using a plane to constrain a bolt from
    spinning can cause other problems which may be difficult to visualize

    Also arbitrary rules like "never have three of the same type of
    constraints, on any one part or sub assembly" don't really get at the
    heart of the problem and can force people to go way out of their way.
    For example, is that talking about 3 "coincident" mates of any type or 3
    "plane to plane coincident" mates? I regularly mate the first part of an
    assembly to the assembly planes instead of using the Fixed condition
    because, well, just because. I don't know why. From a degree of freedom
    analysis point of view, that's a really bad idea, because a plane to
    plane coincident mate constrains 1 translational and 2 rotational DOFs,
    so 3 of those mates constrain 3 trans and 6 rot DOFs, making you
    overconstrained by 3 rot DOFs. SolidWorks still deals with this somehow,
    but technically it shouldn't work.

    All that to say that the arbitrary rule is not specific enough, but
    requiring a DOF analysis is too specific. Talk about wasting time! Then
    you'd have to find out somehow just what kind of DOF overdefinition SW
    can tolerate and what it can't. And then make sure that everyone follows
    it. Good luck. I don't know of anyone who does this. Not even me unless
    I'm troubleshooting something that usually works but in some specific
    case doesn't work.

    Anyway, Wayne I think had it right. Let people work the way they like
    within limits. Don't let people design assemblies as multibody parts
    unless it makes sense and the rest of your team can work with multibody
    parts. Use common sense when it comes to in-context or some of the
    trickier functions like move face or heavy surface modeling.

    If you get crazy with too many rules, the rules may need to change for
    each project. I say stay flexible, and use the energy you would have
    used on enforcement instead on educating your designers so they can
    handle anything.
    matt, May 1, 2007
  5. Steve Reinisch

    pete Guest

    As you quoted Anna,
    "I suspect we are lucky in that we have experienced
    SolidWorks users that
    have used the software long enough, they know the pitfalls."

    We started off as noobies, didn't know the pitfalls and had endless
    problems. We
    ALL agree on the rules that are in force. This rules are steadfast until we
    all agree to a change request, that's the great thing about meetings,
    everyone gets to air their view.

    We don't have the, " I am the boss and you will do as I say policy in
    place", even though I am the boss when enforcement is needed, lol.

    I work under the view of that we are all aiming for the same things, a good
    product and an easy life. Rules do make life easier if everyone sticks to
    the them.
    pete, May 2, 2007
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