General lineweight question

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DaveD, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. DaveD

    DaveD Guest

    We plot lineweights with ctb's. Is there any way to override the lineweight
    of an object within a particular dwg without unchecking the 'plot with plot
    styles' box?

    DaveD, Mar 17, 2005
  2. DaveD

    DaveD Guest

    So the answer must be no, then. I could change the color, but I don't want
    the color to change, just the lineweight (thus, the question) and don't want
    to try to set up a ctb with different thicknesses of all the colors we use
    (and then what about True Colors, color books, etc).

    STB's. I wish I understood them better and how significant the culture
    change would affect our 30+ users, our existing dwgs, etc, if at all. I've
    always thought of them as an eccentric experiment adesk threw out there to
    see if what'd be louder, griping or praising.

    Do you think it's a 'better' way to plot (we're a water civil firm that does
    a mixture of technical dwgs and conceptual color exhibits)?

    Any pointers to where I could get a decent idea of their pluses and minuses?
    The help on them has been practically useless to me and I haven't seen any
    generic overviews on them anywhere.

    I'll have to play with them a bit.

    DaveD, Mar 17, 2005
  3. DaveD

    DaveD Guest


    Thank you very much. That kind of info has been pretty much what I've been
    missing (well, that and a lack of motivation). I've already started looking
    at the links and will probably start trying to get it going.
    DaveD, Mar 18, 2005
  4. DaveD

    TRJ Guest

    You might look at the batch drawing converter in migration tools... seem to
    recall a switch to convert lineweights.

    TRJ, Mar 19, 2005
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