GeForce FX5700

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John Lute, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. John Lute

    John Lute Guest


    Has anyone got any experence using Geforce FX5700

    I'm using the above video card with
    P4 3.0 GHz
    Win XP Pro
    Driver 53.03

    I can open a max 6 solidworks models without problems but often only 1 model
    and the graphics part of the screen turns to shit. (excuse the language)

    I've tried using older versions of the driver but thay don't seem to work
    with my Video card.

    Any assistance would be greatly apreaceted

    John Lute
    John Lute, Jan 27, 2004
  2. John Lute

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    Search around the web for Softquadro instructions. The weird thing about
    the Geforce slowdown is that it's fairly unpredictable. Sometimes 3
    windows, sometimes 1 assy and one model open. It's hard to say when the
    graphics buffer will choke. All Geforce's have this problem. Some notice,
    some don't. Softquadro or a real Quadro card are your only sure fixes. I
    read somewhere a couple months ago on a website (can't remember where) that
    someone was able to successfully Softquadro a Geforce FX board. Look around
    for that and be very diligent in the steps. Softquadro is a pain to get
    right but it does in fact work. If I can relocate the website I'll post it

    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 27, 2004
  3. John Lute

    K Guest

    "Eddy Hicks" <> kirjoitti
    viestissä Softquadro is a pain to get
    You can find the softquadro here:

    Kimmo L.
    K, Jan 27, 2004
  4. John Lute

    Jay Guest

    Jay, Jan 27, 2004
  5. John Lute

    John Lute Guest


    I've found out a little more information on the Nvidia cards.

    But first to clarify my problem.

    It's not that the openGL graphics packs it in, so that rotating the model
    slows right down, this I can live with and have for the last year, I have to
    is close SW and restart it.

    What is happening with my GeForce FX5700 is the graphics window and changes
    to hash or part of a previous model view or large blocks of various images
    (in my vulgar language shit). To recover I have to save and close blind
    then restart the computer. (at least 10 min).

    I've discovered that the:
    -GeForce FX5700 uses an new chip and it will only run on 5x.xx drivers.
    We spent half a day trying various 4x.xx drivers, only to find a comment on
    the Nvida forum (from a visitor) to say no 4x.xx driver work. I've tried
    all the drivers I can find 53.03, 53.04 and 53.06, the latter overcomes
    other problems, but no joy on my major issue.
    -Rivatuner basically only works for driver up to 5x.xx

    My supplier is kind enough to exchange my new FX5700 for an FX5600 or
    upgrade to the FX5900 which have been out for sometime and happily use 4x.xx
    and importantly can be modified with rivatuner etc.

    When you consider the Geforce FX5900 at $490 Australian is the same as the
    Quadro FX3000 at $3300 Australian with some features unblocked, I have to
    say I feel I would be being ripped off. I have to choose the Geforce, at
    worst I may have to restart SW every couple of hours.

    Hope this is of assistance to anybody looking at buying a new video card,
    and thanks for your comments


    John Lute
    John Lute, Jan 28, 2004
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