geforce fx go 5700 soft quadro

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by 3d, Oct 22, 2004.

  1. 3d

    3d Guest

    i have an hp zd7000 on it way. what is the scoop on the the soft quadro hack
    for the 5700 if there is one? i was using a friend of mines zd7000 in a
    pinch and decided i really liked it. he has a geforce fx go 5200 in it and
    yes there is some "issues" there but nothing i can't live with. any links or
    info for the quadro hack will be greatly appreciated.
    3d, Oct 22, 2004

    Worked on mine!

    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
  3. 3d

    JF Guest

    I got mine the other day:

    HP zd7000
    Pentium 3.2 Extreme Edition
    1.5 Ghz. RAM
    60 GB HD
    geforce x go5700

    XP Pro SP2 yes SP2 which means that (according to SoildWorks) I shouldn't
    load either SolidWorks 2004 or 2005. Total bummer man!
    So I loaded 2004 anyway and so far no apparent problems.

    I'd also like to know how to apply the soft quadro hack.
    JF, Oct 22, 2004
  4. 3d

    3d Guest

    Hey Richard could you give some feedback on what you have found. The issues
    you had prior to the hack and the results after the hack good, bad or no
    change. Thanks so much!
    3d, Oct 22, 2004
  5. 3d

    3d Guest

    what exactly am i looking for? too many downloads!! <8~(
    3d, Oct 22, 2004
  6. I Soft Quadro'd my card about 10 months ago and haven't had any trouble
    since. The hack gets rid of the infamous "multi-window" slowdown in
    SolidWorks (with certain cards), and enables RealView. (I know that opinions
    are mixed on RealView, but I absolutely love it!!).

    My system is a Dell Inspiron 5150 that originally came with the go 5700
    card. On the Guru3D website is program called RivaTuner that will tweak a
    set of nVidia drivers that you then load on your system. The computer will
    think it has an FX card (the 500 in my case) and you will see much
    improvement in your graphics with SolidWorks. I don't do games, so I don't
    know what affect it has there.

    Running RivaTuner is fairly straight forward, and there are lots of places
    to get instructions for the Soft Quadro hack.. I used a set created by
    someone here (my apologies, I forget who). The instruction set I had told me
    NOT to perfom a certain step if I had a certain card (the 5700), and I went
    through 5 or 6 iterations of graphics hell (I had no graphics). Thank
    goodness for WinXP and it's ability to "roll back" to previous
    configurations (you catch a lot of heat here Bill G., but I like you, I
    really like you). Once I performed the forbidden step in the instructions,
    the computer booted, I fired up SolidWorks, and saw the little gold ball.

    Since then, I have been in a RealView World with nary a problem.

    It should be noted (hee, hee) that SolidWorks does not recommend "hacking"
    your computers graphics card, and there are probably warranty issues if you
    do. Be prepared for a glitch or two before you get it right, and follow the
    recommendation to back up your original drivers. Don't do this in a hurry,
    take your time and be meticulous. In other words, do what I tell you, not
    what I do (sage Father-type advice).

    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
  7. 3d

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Can you let us know, or post on the net somewhere the instructions on how to
    do this hack? I would love to have realview enabled!
    YouGoFirst, Oct 22, 2004

  8. Try here everyone. This is the thread from the newsgroup that finally got me
    going (thank you Joe Payne). And I should mention, the card I hacked was a
    5200, not the 5700. Sorry for the misinformation, but hopefully it will be
    successful on that version as well.

    bob z. - if you're listening, there are a couple of folks here that could
    use a whack for top posting. Oh, and it's 88 degrees and sunshine in the
    Lone Start state today.

    Don't forget to sign up for SolidWorks World
    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
  9. You know, we could get into quite a discussion about top (much better, more
    logical) vs. bottom, but that can wait for SWW.

    As far as the weather, it's too bad that you are forced to put up with the
    heat of the summer so much longer than the rest of us, but I guess in your
    case, you figure it's worth the tradeoff. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 22, 2004
  10. 3d

    3d Guest

    what's the policy for just deleting the entire conversation below and just
    posting? I mean the conversation is falling off (down) just like in the real
    world so natural you await your reply at the top of the post. the people
    eager for answers are watching and waiting and it will progress along like a
    very slow conversation or email session. if you come into the post later I
    can see an issue with top posting BUT if you start at the first post and
    work your way down it should all make sense right? and you don't even need
    to scroll down to all the >>>>>. I not intentionally trying to piss anyone
    off by top posting and I promise ill try to do better in the future gawd
    father but I just don't see the logic in it....enlighten me any newsgroup
    founding fathers. as for bob....he knows what he can do! ;0) oh by the way
    Richard, DO NOT take offense at this, it is all in TGIF fun fun fun!

    weather sucks here too summer was tooo good for tooo long. time for the
    white stuff, and probably with a vengance!
    3d, Oct 22, 2004
  11. No offense taken friend of bob z.

    I was really trying to bait good ol' bob into showing his moniker in here
    today. As you know, he's a former Texan and I like to fill him in on the
    weather from time to time. As for the weather being a problem Wayne, my
    biggest concern for weekends through December and sometimes into January is
    shall I play 18 holes or 36?

    I don't know where the whole top-posting "problem" stems from. I assume
    there are some guidelines for posting in a newsgroup somewhere out there.
    Maybe even contained in the original charter of this group. I do know that
    some folks here have been "whacked" for it before. I agree with Wayne (don't
    let that get out), top posting seems to make more sense. As you say, it does
    make it easier to follow a conversation. But, rules are rules, and if you're
    going to come in here and run with the know what I mean.

    TGIF is right. Have a great weekend everyone. FORE!!!!

    Don't forget to sign up for SolidWorks World
    Richard Doyle, Oct 22, 2004
  12. 3d

    3d Guest

    bob has been put on "the list" at his place of employment. if he does stop
    in it will be few and far. which sucks cause i like that hill billy. hes as
    sharp as a tack but hides it well with his hill billesque outer wrapping.
    3d, Oct 22, 2004
  13. 3d

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Thanks for the information. I got my system to think it has the 500 card.
    Also, as a note, after following the instructions from that thread, Windows
    XP decided that its drivers were better. They wern't, so I downloaded the
    most current drivers for the 500 and installed them without any problems.
    YouGoFirst, Oct 25, 2004
  14. 3d

    Joe Payne Guest

    You can whack me for top posting, I don't post very often so I forget the
    rules. By the way, I am using the 65.90 nVidia driver now and it works

    Joe Payne, Oct 25, 2004
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