GeForce 6800 Ultra

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by greif, May 26, 2005.

  1. greif

    greif Guest

    Does anyone use the GeForce 6800 Ultra video card? does it work good,
    any issuses?

    We want to try 1 since they are cheaper tha quadro's but have 256mg ram
    and are powerfull

    thanks for any feed back
    greif, May 26, 2005
  2. greif

    MM Guest


    256 megs of video ram won't benefit you much with SW. 128 is all that's
    really needed, even with Photoworks. Modern 3D games (which is what the card
    is meant for) "do" need alot.

    Unless you can hack the driver to use a unified back buffer, SW OpenGL will
    only be able to use a small portion of it anyway. This is one of the reasons
    you get multiple window slowdown with Geforce cards.

    I don't know about you, but when I'm working on an assembly, I might end up
    with twenty windows open after an hour. Geforce cards tend to start slowing
    down with about three, and come to a dead stop with five or six. The Quadros
    don't have this problem.

    How much is your time worth ???


    MM, May 26, 2005
  3. greif

    \\/\\/im Guest

    I use a GeForce 6800 Ultra at home. No problems encountered, but I don't
    open more as 4 windows at a time.
    \\/\\/im, May 27, 2005
  4. greif

    TOP Guest

    SPECapc is a good benchmark for graphics cards. So is Ship in a Bottle.
    TOP, May 29, 2005
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