GD & T Training

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadguy, Sep 16, 2003.

  1. cadguy

    cadguy Guest

    Hi guys,

    My manager wants me to become an expert in Geometric Dimensioning &
    Tolerancing over the next year.
    My question, do I enroll in a seminars based program or do I order the
    GD & T Trainer on CD where I can learn at my own pace?

    cadguy, Sep 16, 2003
  2. I taught GDT for several years at the university level as well as to
    several of my employees. For long term GDT understanding you should start
    off with a class of some sort. Hopefully the class will provide you with
    some books or trainer CDs. If not, you should definitely buy them.
    Learning is one thing, longer term you will need to remember how to use
    the more obscure GDTs. At that point you'll need to have a good reference
    book. I have purchased several of these from Amazon, some of which were
    very good and some of which really stunk. I don't have any of these books
    anymore as I left them with my last company (they paid for them) so now I
    use the limited explanations in the Drawing Requirements Manual.
    If I recall corretly a decent book was "Geometric Dimensioning and
    Tolerancing" by Alex Krulikowski. It is formatted for a class with quizes
    at the end of each section.
    I don't remember the really bad one's name or author, but it had a
    yellow hardcover with a drawing of a heavily GDT'd widget. This book is
    more of an esoteric discussion of GDT, not laid out in any particular order
    or of any value as a reference. It was obviously written by someone who
    knew GDT inside-out but had no idea how to convey that information to

    Good luck,
    Mickey Reilley, Sep 16, 2003
  3. Take a class, but go prepared. You can get a book or two to get familiar
    with the GD&T concepts, do practice problems, apply it to your current
    projects as practice. But with a class (ka-ching$$ gonna cost you) you
    actually get to play "stump the teacher" and get answers to real life

    Look at the Society of Mfg Engrs they have a wealth of
    online/onffline/seminar training to offer (but it ain't cheap).

    Moe & the guys
    Moe_Larry_Curly, Sep 16, 2003
  4. cadguy

    Phil Evans Guest

    Take a class definately, I have been using GD&T for over 30 years,
    taught by the experts at Rolls Royce, but still get it wrong.
    One fallicy is that GD&T is an unneccessary evil, wrong, used
    correctly it will cut the scrap rate down on complicated parts
    GD&T is best used where you have complicated, precision machined
    mating parts.
    Only one thing worse than someone who doesnt know GD&T, and that is
    someone who thinks he knows GD&T.
    GD&T is used widely in the aerospace industry, but I still get a kick
    out of hearing two knowledgeable engineers arguing over it.
    Phil Evans, Sep 17, 2003
  5. I just thought that I would add my two cents. Feel free to disagree.

    I've come across many product drawings over the years and seen some wild
    stuff! Generally, GD&T directly reflects the manufacturing process and the
    actual function of a part, rather than it's physical form. It's used mainly
    for production parts, but can also be used successfully for one-off parts
    and machines as well. Here are a few general rules that I use when applying

    -The purpose of GD&T is to REDUCE overall tolerances and manufacturing
    costs. If your part is getting more complicated and/or expensive, then you
    are either not applying it correctly, or you don't need the GD&T. For every
    Geometric Tolerance added, there should be a few other tolerances opened up.

    -Concentrate only on the key function of the part and it's critical features
    and hold these only as tight as necessary.

    -There is usually more than one way to specify a functional characteristics
    of a given part. Select the one that best suits the actual machining or
    manufacturing operations performed on the part. If in doubt, use the
    simplest method.

    -Always keep in mind how these tolerances will be measured and verified.
    Production gauging can become very expensive, and one-off parts can be
    tricky to check if you don't have a CMM in house.

    -For most turning (Lathe) operations, I use Circular and Total Runout to
    instead of more complicated tolerances like Perpendicularity, Cylindricity,
    etc... The parts can be more easily measured, and the results are the same.

    -Keep in mind that positional tolerances are based on radial tolerance
    zones, not X-Y deviation. This means that you can open-up tolerances and
    maintain functionality. Production & NC machining can work well with this,
    however, I wouldn't recommend using them in a standard machine shop.

    I hope that these pearls of wisdom are of some use to you. Some people may
    disagree, but these rules work well for me.


    From Roger Meloche :)

    Roger Meloche, Sep 18, 2003
  6. Hi Cadguy!

    In addition to any training you get, obtain the ansiy15.4m spec and
    study that in depth as well. Training, yes. A mentor, if avialable.
    Becoming intimate with the actual spec, absolutely.

    (mini sermon) GD&T is a great tool although not a panacea for
    misguided manufacturing expectations ----> GD&T won't make impossible
    parts easier to make(sermon over - smile).

    Get the spec for sure- It all starts there.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Sep 22, 2003
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