GD&T on a note

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Aggrevated, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest


    I put all of my GD&T callouts in the .prt as annotation features.

    I created a hole with the wizard.

    How am I supposed to attach the tolerance callout to the "Note"?
    Aggrevated, Aug 26, 2008
  2. Aggrevated

    Janes Guest

    a.. WF3

    I put all of my GD&T callouts in the .prt as annotation features.

    I created a hole with the wizard.

    How am I supposed to attach the tolerance callout to the "Note"?

    Three ways I've done this, none elegant or particuarly satisfactory:
    a.. Leave the GD&T callout free standing and make a draft group with the hole note, just so they stay together
    b.. Put an actual dimension symbol (eg, &d61) in the note text by selecting the note and doing 'Edit value'; this gives the GD&T a dimension to attach to. You might use this actual dimension of the hole instead of the note parameter, like &TAP_DEC.
    c.. Ignore the goofy hole note altogether and create your own from dimensions of the hole plus text symbols, then attach the GD&T to one of those dims.
    David Janes
    Janes, Aug 27, 2008
  3. Aggrevated

    Aggrevated Guest

    Three ways I've done this, none elegant or particuarly satisfactory:
    yeah, this is what I ended up doing. didn't like it at all.
    especially irritating because if you end up moving the view to a new
    location you have to regenerate before the grouped items move. made a
    big mess of a few drawings before I figured this out.

    Interesting... will have to check this out. will it attach to the
    note goofy? like break the note up to put the tolerance just to that

    I've had really bad luck with creating dimensions as annotation
    features in the model. Don't exactly remember what it was, except
    something about the text size going goofy and the dual dimensions
    broke down.
    Aggrevated, Aug 27, 2008
  4. Aggrevated

    Janes Guest

    Interesting... will have to check this out. will it attach to the
    note goofy? like break the note up to put the tolerance just to that

    I've had pretty good luck with this one, nothing strange, just puts it under/over (depends on setting) the dim. Remember, the selected (e.g., diameter) "dim" actually contains all the other parameter and dimension info. Most of this is entered on the "Text" page.

    David Janes
    Janes, Aug 29, 2008
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