Gcode input, surface output

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mastercamuser, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. Hi,
    I have a Gcode file with CNC machine commands (Fanuc).
    Is there a way (maybe a utility someone wrote) to "read" the Gcode
    file into SW and to get a surface.
    The Gcode includes commands such as
    Line from P1 to P2
    Arc from P1 to P2 with center at P3
    A program should read the file and "translate each command to SW
    entity. I guess the next step is to create many profiles (sections)
    and to use lofted (or swept) surface from them.

    mastercamuser, Aug 6, 2003
  2. mastercamuser

    Sporkman Guest

    Now was THAT nice? The poor guy will probably post there expecting Jon
    to actually help him. <G>
    Sporkman, Aug 6, 2003
  3. mastercamuser

    rocheey Guest

    Is there a way (maybe a utility someone wrote) to "read" the Gcode
    You need a backplotter. Check out CGTech vericut.
    rocheey, Aug 6, 2003
  4. mastercamuser

    neil Guest

    you had to say that....
    neil, Aug 7, 2003
  5. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    Now was THAT nice? The poor guy will probably post there
    He does not have to post there. He got the help he needed
    from me right here.

    That he did not get it from Cliff, and that Cliff says what
    this man wants to do can't be done, would be *no surprise*
    for many of us in alt.machines.cnc. who realize that Cliff
    has no idea what is going on in today's small machining job

    Cliff has no machining experience in the last 20 years
    and even then it was very little.

    Many of us in alt.machines.cnc also know that Cliff has
    NEVER used SolidWorks.

    jon_banquer, Aug 7, 2003
  6. MCuser,

    Actually, Mastercam will probably work better for what your trying to do
    than SW. You can rev post standard vanilla Fanuc to get a bazillion
    connected line segements. You can then select "chains" of lines and convert
    those to splines, and from there to a surface.

    If you could reduce the G-code to a X.xxx, Y.yyy, Z.zzz, table, you could
    read this into SW as curves through points. You would have to selectively
    seperate U,V, sets prior to this in Mastercam though. Saving as ASCII in MC
    usually yeilds a simple XYZ text file (like I mentioned above) Reading in
    the whole shebang into SW at once will probably kill your computer.

    So, I guess the answer is no, not directly. There may be a third party add
    in for this, I haven't checked out the SW partners list for a while. You can
    do it using MC and SW, I think I could, but it wouldn't be a slam dunk. I
    did a boat plug once (about killed me).

    What you basically have is a point cloud. Most programs that work well with
    this type of data (Raindrop Geomagic for instance) are very expensive. Rhino
    may be able to do it, haven't used it in a long time.


    Mark Mossberg, Aug 7, 2003
  7. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest


    Don't let the FACT that this is an uncensored and unmoderated newsgroup and
    that I don't and have not violated the charter of this newsgroup in anyway
    get in your way of making up stories as you see fit.


    jon_banquer, Aug 7, 2003
  8. MC,

    I forgot to mention that you need to know the diameter of the endmill that
    the program was written for. The g-code usually represents the centerline of
    the ball end. You'll have to offset your surface by the radius of the cutter
    to get anything near accurate. And this will "only" work for a ball end,
    which has a constant offset from the surface. If the program was written for
    a bull nose your outta luck.


    Mark Mossberg, Aug 7, 2003
  9. mastercamuser

    Muggs Guest

    Thank You Mark,

    I'm a little too late to chime in, but you're exactly right.
    I did this in MasterCam a couple of years ago for a client, it's a PITA, but
    it can be done.
    Reverse post and turn on "create geometry form tool path", or something like
    that (I'm at home).
    And then build your surface from those spline using a loft and offset the
    surface the radius of the cutter(it's in the G-code).
    I never thought about it but yes you probably could create a comma delimited
    file(I think that's what it's called), using the X,Y,Z coordinates from the
    G-code, and create a "point cloud" and surface it in Geo(Raindrop GeoMagic).

    So, MasterCam User, if you ever get to the point where you get a comma
    delimited file, I would love to try to surface it in Geo.

    Muggs, Aug 9, 2003
  10. mastercamuser

    Muggs Guest

    Hi Jon,

    I really don't know anything about Vericut as I've only used MasterCam for
    the last 8 years or so.
    Actually the last (only) time I had to do it was back at version 5.5, and I
    don't know if the option to save as geometry even exists in MC any more.

    As far as the points data goes, I was just wondering if it could be done,
    that's all.
    I wasn't trying to say it would be the best or most efficiant way to do it.

    Muggs, Aug 9, 2003
  11. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    As far as the points data goes, I was just wondering if it
    It don't have any doubt that it could be done.
    Well the major problem is that we don't know exactly what
    mastercamuser really wants to do. We also don't know how big
    this project might actually be or what accuracy he needs to

    If mastercamuser does want to convert to NURBS and he is
    going to go the Raindrop GeoMagic Studio route he could save
    a shit load of time with Vericut and it's Model Export module.

    BTW, any idea when CNC Software is suppose to release MasterCAM
    X ??? Luckily I have not had to use MasterCAM since Version 5.5. Perhaps
    MasterCAM X might be tolerable.

    jon_banquer, Aug 9, 2003
  12. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    Accuracy can be no greater than the accuracy of the input
    Well asshole finally you have something to say that makes
    some sense. Additionally, from how I see it he's going to
    lose further accuracy if he has to go the STL to NURBS route
    with Raindrop GeoMagic Studio.
    No we don't. Tell us what accuracy mastercamuser needs, Cliffy. I
    I failed to note that important FACT in his post. Amongst all your other
    "skills"... your now a mind reader as well, eh.
    Wrong again, asshole although I wish it had just been a demo
    and I wasn't stuck using the piece of crap that it was.
    Anyone remember the "brilliant" MasterCAM TV (MCTV) in ver
    5.5. ???

    Of course you would have *no idea* Cliffy because like
    SolidWorks you have *NEVER* used MasterCAM either.


    jon_banquer, Aug 9, 2003
  13. mastercamuser

    Muggs Guest

    Very interesting, Thanks jon.


    Muggs, Aug 10, 2003
  14. mastercamuser

    Gary Knutson Guest

    and you too!

    Gary Knutson, Aug 10, 2003
  15. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    We had it at AO Smith, among other things <G>.

    Lying again are you, Cliffy.

    Should I post your resume to show just how long
    ago you worked at AO Smith and what you actually
    did there ???

    How about your post in alt.machines.cnc where you
    admitted you have never used it as well as what
    you think of mid-range priced CAD/CAM.


    I'm ready to post the above whenever you are. Just
    say the word.


    jon_banquer, Aug 10, 2003
  16. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    Cliff you don't give a shit about bothering people. Your someone
    who can no longer be employed because your services are not
    needed and this is how you choose to spend your time. Here is
    yet another poster to alt.machines.cnc who got sick of your lies
    and tried to measure you.

    From: Garlicdude ()
    Subject: Re: VisualMill Training
    Newsgroups: alt.machines.cnc
    Date: 2003-07-26 18:01:39 PST

    Cliff, I was surprised that you didn't address the rest of
    Tim's post. I've included it so that you can answer the
    rest of his questions. I'm also curious about the answers.

    TIA <grin>

    Steve Saling
    aka The Garlic Dude
    Gilroy, CA
    The Garlic Capital of The World


    Tell us Cliff, what system do YOU use every day? What system
    have YOU actually written a 5-Figure check for?

    Where did you acquire this vast knowledge that gives you the
    moral authority to poo-poo every new system that is out

    Upon what empirical data are you formulating your opinions?

    The problem is you continue to spout off about something you
    don't have a clue about. If you did, you would actually be
    doing something with your vast "knowledge" instead of
    sitting behind a keyboard and being the Mr. Know-It-All of
    the newsgroup.

    All your vast knowledge and you use AOL as a service
    provider. Yep, you're a real Einstein.

    Put the computer away for a while and do something
    productive for a change.

    Let the others use this group as it was intended,.

    Kind Regards-

    Tim Markoski
    jon_banquer, Aug 10, 2003
  17. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    Got any foorp?

    Sure I've got proof even for someone who can't spell proof.

    You never used MasterCAM at AO Smith. MasterCAM *NEVER*
    even appears on your resume, yet everything from DOS to Windows
    NT, to BASIC does. LOL.

    Here's a little reminder for you. Looks like the last time anybody wanted
    to employ your worthless ass was 1996. Note how you "forgot" to list
    your MasterCAM experience from AO Smith.


    - 1996 - CAD/CAM Systems Manager/Analyst

    A. O. Smith Automotive Products Co., Milwaukee, WI
    UG-II Data, Program & Platform migration from UG V9.1 (VMS & UGFM) to
    V11.1 (HPUX & WINDOWS-NT)

    You have NEVER used the product, Cliffy.

    jon_banquer, Aug 10, 2003
  18. mastercamuser

    jon_banquer Guest

    YOUR post above and ALL your posts to this thread have
    NOTHING to do with SolidWorks, G code input or surface output
    so take your own advice.

    Additionally, Neil I think it's time for you to have yet
    another talk with the comp.cad.solidworks "moderator" Black

    jon_banquer, Aug 10, 2003
  19. mastercamuser

    neil Guest

    you have a psychotic illness, go and see a doctor.
    neil, Aug 10, 2003
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