GCMark Illegal Cell Type 15

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Getting the following when running OCEAN. Has anyone else seen this
    or have any ideas on what this is about?

    ocean> t
    ocean> GCMark Illegal Cell Type 15
    GCMark Illegal Cell Type 15
    *Fatal Error* (IL-C Interface): Protection Problems
    Abort - core dumped
    Erik Wanta, Sep 18, 2003
  2. It generally means that something is corrupted - quite likely something has done
    a bit of scribbling on some memory it shouldn't, and this is leading to the
    SKILL Garbage Collection getting messed up. Almost certainly it's not SKILL's
    fault, but another part of the application before this.

    Is it repeatable? You should contact customer support about this, but you'll
    need to send a testcase which reproduces it (it's not a generic, well known
    problem). Ah, I see you have contacted customer support already.

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 18, 2003
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