Gates is Out & MS is Stalled

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Bo, Feb 22, 2008
  2. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    How long before SolidWorks needs another OS to keep it afloat?

    How long before more SolidWorks users demand quick and easy control
    over every SolidWorks part and assembly that they come in contact

    "Designers often rebuild designs from scratch rather than spend time
    to understand how models were built."

    "Have you ever had to edit an assembly or a part designed by someone
    else, or change a model you designed a long time ago?

    If so, you know how difficult it is to decipher the mate relationships
    in assemblies and dependencies between part features. That's because
    modern solid modeling lets users create complex relationships, without
    even being aware they are doing so. For example, a user might add a
    fillet, which generates relationships between the arc of the fillet
    and the features that created the edges.

    Editing models can thus lead to unpredictable results, such as lost
    design intent or features that fail when rebuilding models. SolidMap
    software works with SolidWorks to provide intuitive graphical maps of
    model interdependencies. It makes editing models simpler and faster."

    How can SolidWorks be a far better tool than IronCAD if it doesn't
    allow a user to have easy and full control over their parts and

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 22, 2008
  3. Bo

    ChamberPot Guest

    Well, I must say, Bo and Jon make two peas in a pod. Beautiful together,
    aren't they?

    ChamberPot, Feb 22, 2008
  4. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    I must have missed it. How long did you say it would be before
    SolidWorks gives users quick and easy control over every SolidWorks
    part and assembly that they come in contact with?

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 22, 2008
  5. Bo

    ChamberPot Guest

    That's coming in a service pack next week,, jon, stay on top of
    something other than your mother.

    I missed where it was that you defined without using any meaningless
    buzzwords what exactly you mean by that? Why do you refuse to be
    specific? You're such a fucking waste.

    ChamberPot, Feb 22, 2008
  6. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    I'm such a fucking waste.
    Now it's correct.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 22, 2008
  7. Bo

    Bo Guest

    I take offense that my name would be used in the same sentence with

    Facts are what they are. MS has poured billions of dollars into new
    initiatives and the big ones have all crashed. That does NOT put me
    in league with someone who uses profanity & insults to mark virtually
    his every post, as opposed to my posts which do not.

    MS still gets almost all of its income off of server & desktop OS &
    Office. Nearly all the rest have been a bust & the stock market price
    reflects the stall. Gates saw the handwriting and has bailed and a
    few other execs have done so, and the remaining CEO guy is only known
    for throwing chairs and attempting to buy Yahoo.

    Strategic Uncertainty is a fact of business life, where "we don't know
    what we don't know", and thus we need strategic options in case
    something goes against us.

    Tell me in a simple sentence what Strategic Options SolidWorks has to
    deal with MS going downhill on its OS.

    Bo, Feb 22, 2008
  8. Bo

    ChamberPot Guest

    Unfortunately I can't change my font size, or I'd make a large print
    edition so your feeble ass could read it.

    Anyway, SW is currently in production on both OSX and Linux (Red Hat and
    Mandrake are being tested) versions of the software. They took the
    resources that recently finished the Vista 64 bit work and moved them to
    this project. Look for a result Q1 2009, half way through the SW2009
    release cycle.

    They have been spurred on by a couple of things:

    Rhino recently did a mac version. UG recently did the same, with some
    rumors about Solid Edge following. Plus, they had the resources free
    from the 64 bit project.

    Now we'll have 3X the problems. I think this is a bad movc. As bad as MS
    is, its not nearly as bad as you say. It does work. Writing for all
    these OSes can only diminish the quality.

    ChamberPot, Feb 22, 2008
  9. If swx comes out with a linux or even osx version, I would wager that a
    solid majority of swx users will abandon Windows
    in under 2 years.
    bill allemann, Feb 22, 2008
  10. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    I take offense that my name would be grouped with most SolidWorks
    users who don't have the guts to be honest and state that SolidWorks
    doesn't give the user enough control over parts and assemblies

    "Designers often rebuild designs from scratch rather than spend time
    to understand how models were built."

    "Have you ever had to edit an assembly or a part designed by someone
    else, or change a model you designed a long time ago?

    If so, you know how difficult it is to decipher the mate relationships
    in assemblies and dependencies between part features. That's because
    modern solid modeling lets users create complex relationships, without
    even being aware they are doing so. For example, a user might add a
    fillet, which generates relationships between the arc of the fillet
    and the features that created the edges.

    Editing models can thus lead to unpredictable results, such as lost
    design intent or features that fail when rebuilding models. SolidMap
    software works with SolidWorks to provide intuitive graphical maps of
    model interdependencies. It makes editing models simpler and faster."

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 23, 2008
  11. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Well, I've all but abandoned my Dells, so I'm more than half way
    there. Win XP Pro runs just fine on my Macs.

    Microsoft has spent incredible billions trying to tie people to their
    new proprietary standards whether in the OS, Office suite, video
    container, sound, games, and their version of XML, with obtuse new
    licensing claims for their open standards cooperation. The world is
    moving on, but MS is not.

    There was a time in the late 1800s, when a real good handmade bicycle
    cost more than a typical house. Those days died with mass
    production. I don't think an OS is worth a lot today, nor do I think
    a typical office suite is worth much now, given the dispersal of
    knowledge and programming abilities. I would guess's
    package will suffice and for free, as can Linux, or MacOSX if you buy
    a Mac.

    My guess is the next PC OS to be a success, is the one which is
    released and which users don't have to "fix" constantly, and which
    don't put them through inefficiencies and "features", like DRM, media
    players, auto-run features & similar BS that many users would NOT want
    on his work machine.

    Daisy's comments, which I assume came from SolidWorks announcements,
    mean that what I have heard for 10 years from programmer's bitches
    about MS, has finally resulted in real change afoot.

    Bo, Feb 23, 2008
  12. Someday, maybe a university will jump into a Linux style open source
    engineering cad package.
    You'd think a fair amount of the kernel technology would already be floating
    I suppose it would be most likely to happen in China or India.

    On Feb 22, 3:20 pm, "bill allemann" <>
    Well, I've all but abandoned my Dells, so I'm more than half way
    there. Win XP Pro runs just fine on my Macs.

    There was a time in the late 1800s, when a real good handmade bicycle
    cost more than a typical house. Those days died with mass
    production. I don't think an OS is worth a lot today, nor do I think
    a typical office suite is worth much now, given the dispersal of
    knowledge and programming abilities. I would guess's
    package will suffice and for free, as can Linux, or MacOSX if you buy
    a Mac.

    My guess is the next PC OS to be a success, is the one which is
    released and which users don't have to "fix" constantly, and which
    don't put them through inefficiencies and "features", like DRM, media
    players, auto-run features & similar BS that many users would NOT want
    on his work machine.

    Daisy's comments, which I assume came from SolidWorks announcements,
    mean that what I have heard for 10 years from programmer's bitches
    about MS, has finally resulted in real change afoot.

    bill allemann, Feb 24, 2008
  13. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    How can Microsoft be blamed for SolidWorks Corp. not being willing to
    give the SolidWorks user the tools to easily manage all the complex
    relations that SolidWorks often creates?

    Would it be any different if SolidWorks was ported to Linux or OS X? I
    don't think so.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 24, 2008
  14. Bo

    ChamberPot Guest

    Everything I wrote was a complete fabrication. Just wanted to see which
    of you morons was going to take creidt for it.

    ChamberPot, Feb 25, 2008
  15. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Hmmm. Sentence construction is odd.

    No one I know took "creidt for it".

    Maybe "creidt" is what cretens give. Yahh.
    Bo, Feb 25, 2008
  16. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    bong-kweer, go lick yourself, you mangy, flea-infested cur.

    I own you bitch. Don't you ever forget it. ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 26, 2008
  17. Bo

    zymrgy Guest

    hey yoni Ani metz'ia le'cha li'stom ta'pe ha'mezu'ian shel'cha
    ve'laka'chat et ha'za'een shel ima she'lcha batachat be'li
    le'hit'lonen yoter mi'dai, bi'chiat rabak, ti'hi'ye gever le'shinui.
    He'gia ha'zman le'hakir ba'metz'iut she'ata lo yoter me'hakalba a
    mas'richa sheli. Eim ma la'asot...

    you know that you are my little bitch fuckwad
    get your "Aunt" to translate this bitch

    jon the jew don't know Hebrew...
    zymrgy, Feb 27, 2008
  18. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    My Aunt doesn't read Hebrew either you fucking moron. Many / most U.S.
    Jews don't. Suggest you go back to reading Winnie The Poo because
    that's about the level you stopped growing at. What a schmuck.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego,CA
    jon_banquer, Feb 27, 2008
  19. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    More about your famed reading comprehension problems, eh?
    Almost illiterate.
    Cliff, Mar 1, 2008
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