Gated clock CTS in SoCEncounter

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by zjlee516, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. zjlee516

    zjlee516 Guest

    When I have an gated clock in my design, when doing CTS in
    socencounter, does encounter treat the DFF as transparent, and ignore
    the sink point of the DFF,
    ______ ---------
    | | | |
    -------| DFF |--A------- ....... -------| DFF|
    ------------ ---------

    As described in above, point A is generated clock, then the other sink
    points are derived from A, when doing CTS, does DFF_A be treated as
    transparent, only calculate the delay ck->Q. And the balance for clock
    skew will only take place between other DFFs?

    Thank you~~
    zjlee516, Apr 19, 2007
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