FYI - swconst.bas for SolidWorks 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Stefan Berlitz, Jan 11, 2004.

  1. FYI - swconst.bas for SolidWorks 2004

    For all of you, who prefer to use constant declarations
    in their macros and tools to avoid problems with the
    typelibrary when switching between major versions of
    SolidWorks I offer my selfmade swconst.bas file for
    SolidWorks 2004 at

    It's the one labeled The download includes
    my latest constants file and the DIFF-files for previous

    Hope you enjoy this, any feedback it very welcome.



    unofficial german SolidWorks helpsite
    tools and programs for SolidWorks
    Stefan Berlitz, Jan 11, 2004
  2. Stefan Berlitz

    kema Guest

    FYI - swconst.bas for SolidWorks 2004
    I thought it was no longer necessary to include constant declaration
    (or import the swconst.bas) with VBA's in SW2004?

    kema, Jan 13, 2004
  3. It isn't I believe he is doing this more for backward compatibility.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Jan 13, 2004
  4. Did you know that you can reference the swconst.tlb you no longer need to
    use the bloated .bas file in 2004

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Jan 13, 2004
  5. Newsbeitrag

    Corey mailed me (accidentially) about this, but we think this
    should be posted here also. Here are the major parts of our
    mail discussion (Coreys are shown with the > )
    Yes, I know, but that's exactly the point why I made the
    swconst.bas myself. You say, I CAN use the swconst.tlb ...
    that's not quiet correct, I HAVE TO use it, if I don't take
    the time and declare the needed constants by hand.

    So why I don't like to use the swconst.tlb? As you can see,
    I offer many macro at my webistes and for free, and I prefer to write my
    macros the way that most people can use them, even if the
    don't use the most up-to-date version of SolidWorks.

    If I would use the swconst.tlb it would be easy for all, who
    uses SW2004, but for the other ones (including the company
    where I'm administrator ;-) I would have to say : "Sorry, I'm
    to lazy to declare the constants, upgrade your SolidWorks"

    No, not the way I choose. BTW, that's the same reason why I
    don't use the other typelibrarys which would allow early binding,
    this brings so much trouble with different major versions of

    But you're right, I (personally) would also say "bloaded .bas";
    on the other hand I never add the complete bas-module, but opens
    it in an editor and copy the lines I need in my macros or tools.

    I hope you understand why I made this module (at least for
    myself); now that I made it, it was only a little step to
    put it on my website.
    Yes, and no. You are right, if you want the backward compatibility
    you have to check the constants, whether they are new or not. But
    you have to check this with the TLBs also. Example are the constants
    new to SW2004 SP1.0, if you use the TLB and doesn't care about that
    you may end up with a macro which works for you (if you are using
    SW2004 SP1.0 or above), but wont work for the guys in the shop, if
    they still use SW2004 SP0.0

    So no advantage or disadvantage with this point for either method.
    That's the major pitty, it doubt it will help with forward compatibility.
    Say you have installed SW2004 and there's the reference to swconst.tlb
    In your registry, there have to be a path to the TLB, so let's assume
    the reference points to c:\program files\sw2004\swconst.tlb

    Now you install that famous SW2005 ;-) and you don't deinstall your
    productive SW2004 yet; you wouldn't do that, would you???

    So where would you expect the reference for the swconst.tlb to point
    to? To the one in folder SW2004 or in SW2005? And what will happen
    if you deinstall one or the other? According to Murphy you are left
    with a reference pointing to nowhere ...

    So may be SolidWorks will change it and make a reference to each
    major version constants file, as they do it now with the SolidWorks
    TypeLib. This wouldn't help either, for then you will have a macro
    written in SW2004 which points to swconst.tlb of SW2004 ... you can
    open this on any machine, where swconst.tlb of SW2004 is installed,
    but for these "new" customers or the ones which choose to deinstall
    SW2004 the macro wont run. Okay, you can easily change it by
    editing the reference to the new typelibrary ... but if you tried to
    support other users (even in foreign countries) it's not that easy
    to have an idea what's going on with the macro, for the error codes
    are more than confusing if you ran into this kind of problem (and
    yes, I had a few of these "challenges" ;-))
    As said, I prefer this method, for everything lays in my hands and
    I know exactly, what kind of constants are there and not and what
    kind of references I use (I prefer as little as possible).
    Well, I think the best is to take it the way it is the easiest
    for everyone himself. If I would do this only for me or the company
    I'm working for I wouldn't mind and take the references, for it
    is much less work to do. But for the other guys (like me ;-) may
    be they will stay with the tested, easy and stable method of
    cut/paste the constants now that they have them ;-)

    -- end mail discussion

    The basic idea behind this was to have a file with all the
    constant declaration to easily cut/paste them where necessary.



    unofficial german SolidWorks helpsite
    tools and programs for SolidWorks
    Stefan Berlitz, Jan 13, 2004
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