FYI....Intstallation times

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by News, Feb 5, 2004.

  1. News

    News Guest

    2/4/04 Bulletin - Installation SolidWorks 2004 SP2.1

    To help diagnose installation problems, the Service Pack 2.1
    installation had the verbose diagnostic logging feature enabled. This
    feature caused an increase in the time to apply sp 2.1 To remedy this
    problem, sp 2.1 downloaded on or after 4 February 2004 now has logging
    disabled by default. You will find this significantly reduces the time to
    install sp 2.1.

    The only change is to the sp 2.1 installation program itself, and the
    resulting SolidWorks sp 2.1 installation is functionally identical to the
    previous version. Therefore, customers with sp 2.1 already installed do not
    need to download and reapply this Service Pack.
    News, Feb 5, 2004
  2. News

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    Thanks to "someone", the newsgroup has been alerted to the presence of
    a new bulletin.

    As one who has been forced to waste precious time due to the prior
    enabling of the installer's "verbose diagnostic logging feature", I am
    disappointed to not have been notified (as part of a broadcast from
    SolidWorks) by the Corporation itself which certainly has a vested
    interest in the trouble-free and speedy installation of its software.

    O.K. one could say that it's easy to check the support site at; however, I haven't been making a practice of looking
    there just in case something new of interest might be found there.

    While there may be times when enabling the "verbose diagnostic logging
    feature" provides an important troubleshooting option, I don't
    understand why it would have been enabled by default. I can't claim to
    know much about the inner workings of the Windows Installer, but
    suggest that it would make sense to set the logging feature to OFF by
    default and have a user configurable option for turning it on, if the
    need arises.

    Hopefully, SolidWorks didn't fully realize the burden being created by
    enabling the logger!

    I haven't tried an upgrade to SP2.1 with the new download, but can
    tell you that the previous patch (from 1/26/04) made the process
    similar to trying to drive at high speed on the interstate while
    having the emergency brake fully engaged...

    SolidWorks Corporation should act to notify ALL users directly in an
    attempt to save (collectively) countless hours!

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Feb 5, 2004
  3. This is really beginning to be too much. Quit treating us like
    guinea pigs SolidWorks.

    So does this mean I have to cancel my halfway downloaded
    Service Pack because of this stupidity?

    I've been slowly downloading SP2.1 for the past week, a few
    hours at a time since I'm on dial-up and I was about 80%
    finished when I heard this pathetic news.

    Damn this pisses me off. Tell me this is a prank.
    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 5, 2004
  4. Mike,
    I understand your pain, but really this is a good thing. SolidWorks listened
    and turned their attention to fixing a huge problem. You could make the case
    they should have known, but please give them a for trying
    to right a wrong. I don't know about cancelling your download. Is 1 to 1-1/2
    hours to install the SP more than the time it would take for you to

    Richard Doyle, Feb 5, 2004
  5. No. The download has taken about 8 hours so far with a few
    more to go.

    If the eight hours isn't wasted, then I'm OK right? But how
    do I know it will work? I'm going to have to try downloading
    the rest of the file and installing it. If there is a problem, I have
    to go through the entire 12 hour download process again.

    I guess my point is that if SolidWorks changes *anything*
    to their Service Packs, they need to change the revision.
    This violates the integrity of the numbering scheme. Surely
    anyone can see this???

    How are we the customers, to tell the difference now
    between SP2.1 old and SP2.1 new? These are two different
    files, therefore two different Service Pack versions. Am I
    missing something?

    I don't have access to a fast internet connection at this time
    so for me, having to re-download is a big deal. I'm going
    to D/L the remaining portion and see what happens.

    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 5, 2004
  6. Mike,
    Slow install times aside, I think most have been able to get the
    installation to work. You've seen the posts from Per and others, and yes
    there are some that had to run around in circles to get it accomplished.
    Make sure you look at the other bulletins on the SolidWorks site if you have
    problems. And, don't give up too quickly on an install. There are times when
    it seems to stall only to pick back up and finish eventually.

    Richard Doyle, Feb 5, 2004
  7. OK, now I see. I just saw Greg's post in the forum. This
    is part of the new "were listening" campaign. I'll go easy
    on 'em!

    BTW, what got me heated up here was the fact that I had
    2.0 Eval Version installed, and when I tried the 2.0 to 2.1
    patch, it wouldn't work. I assumed (and still do) that I just
    plain mucked up my system from all of my experimentation.

    When I saw that they changed something without altering the
    version number I got suspicious.

    I'll go ahead and sum up my observations and post them
    in the forum.

    Thanks Richard,
    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 6, 2004
  8. News

    Dave H Guest

    Since you've got such a slow connection, why not ask your VAR for a copy
    of the SP's burned to a CD? I'll bet they would do that for you.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Feb 6, 2004
  9. That's an excellent suggestion. Right now I'm on the
    road, far from my VAR so it's difficult. It's just one
    of those rare circumstances.

    Mike J. Wilson, Feb 6, 2004
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