Fw: Fehlermeldung "unbekannter Befehl "+dsettings".

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Thomas Tawarritsch, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. Hallo,

    ab und zu bekomme ich in AutoCAD (2000) die Fehlermeldung

    "unbekannter Befehl "+dsettings". Drücken Sie F1-Taste für Hilfe" wenn ich
    den Objektfang einschalten will.

    Ebenso erhalte ich ab und zu Fehlermeldungen wenn ich eine LISP-Datei laden
    "_appload Unbekannter Befehl "APPLOAD" Drücken Sie F1-Taster für Hilfe".

    Ansonsten läuft AutoCAD stabil. Woran kann das liegen?

    Vielen Dank im Voraus,

    PS: Bin eben versehentlich auf Return gekommen, bevor ich mit Tippen fertig
    war ...
    Thomas Tawarritsch, Mar 21, 2005
  2. Thomas Tawarritsch

    JP Guest

    Bitte fragen in Englisch stellen, damit bekommst du antworten aus der ganse

    Anscheinend ist Autocad nicht voellig geladen.
    Controliere mal unter tools-options, suchpfaeder, ob da alles correct
    eingefuelt ist.
    Ist das menu vollstaendig geladen?
    Existiert das .mnl teil vom menu?
    Sind keine teil-menu's present?

    JP, Mar 22, 2005
  3. Hi Jan,

    thank you for your reply.
    Sorry, I forgot.
    It seems to be everything correct.
    I do think so.
    Where should it be located?
    I do not know how it looks like if such a menue is present

    Thank you very much in advance

    Thomas Tawarritsch, Mar 22, 2005
  4. Thomas Tawarritsch

    JP Guest

    First: check were your menu is loaded from Tools - options -
    menu,help,etc. - menu file : what path is given here?
    Now use explorer to check the files there, there should be a xx.mnu, xx.mns,
    xx.mnx, xx.mnl (xx is menu name f.i. acad.mnu ......)
    If they all exist, and you do not use a customized menu (like mymenu.mnu)
    start autocad and type: menuload.
    In this box that appears search for the .mnu you just explored to.
    Mark it and reload the mnu file, the .mns and .mnx are new created.

    Now your complete menu is loaded and everything should work fine.
    If you use a customized menu, proceed as above, but also check if there is a
    search path to the routines you use.

    Hope it helps,
    JP, Mar 23, 2005
  5. Hi Jan,

    I checked the paths ( I do only use the ACAD-Menu, no customized menues).
    I did it, and the problem remained the same - I may choose FANG, RASTER,
    ORTHO but not OFANG - if I try OFANg, I get that error "+dsettings" again.

    I tried it again and now it works ...

    The question is - if the problem occurs again - what else could be the
    reason for that?

    Or do you think it will not?

    Thank you very much!

    Thomas Tawarritsch, Mar 23, 2005
  6. Thomas Tawarritsch

    JP Guest

    Wait a minute.....
    You're working with a localized version of autocad (german) i'm using the
    english version.

    If one of these don't work, it has to be something with the settings of
    Either in the tools-options or in the registry.
    These options are initialized upon startup, you have no control wether to
    load it or not.

    Is there a third party application?
    Did you create a lisp program that uses one of these commands as a
    variable?(or part of them, e.g. (setq dset(...)) )
    Check them.
    If you use in your lisp program (defun c:myprogram () ) than you dont need
    to 'appload' it.
    Just type (load "myprogram") than type myprogram.
    Make sure you declare the variables between the two paranthesis () to keep
    them local (they wil be cleared after closing the prog.)

    For a translation of commands look here:

    That's it for now.
    JP, Mar 24, 2005
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