Fun with trim

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tech, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. tech

    tech Guest

    I'm creating a routine and I'm missing some basic functions from the data
    sectors of my brain to complete it :)

    What I need to do is have two lines: nb & nb2, trim from each other (or
    fillet) and also trim from the outside of a circle: c (located at the
    intersection of the two lines), with a point: p, that defines which side is

    Here is a clip from the routine:

    (setq p (getpoint "Pick side to offset: "))
    ;trim lines from each other like a fillet
    (command "TRIM" nb "" nb2 "")
    (command "TRIM" nb2 "" nb "")
    ;trim lines outside of circle
    (command "TRIM" c "" nb nb2 "")

    But this only works when the resulting lines are shaped like a V and the
    point is up. I hope this makes sense, I'm a bit hungry and that may affect
    my coherence :)

    tech, Dec 16, 2003
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