Fun with feature statistics - patterns

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ed1701, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. ed1701

    ed1701 Guest

    For what it is worth-

    Earlier this week we got a part from a client that took forever to

    Looking at feature statistics (under the tools menu) we quickly
    identified areas where we could astronomically speed up the rebuild
    time. I highly recommend putting feature stats on a toolbar and using
    it often - a case which I am about to attempt to justify

    As delivered, this part had a 742 second rebuild time.

    The most expensive features were a curve-driven pattern that took 557
    seconds to rebuild, a fillet that took 85 s, and 75s, surprisingly, for
    a 'simple extruded boss' that should not have taken any time at

    Turning off verification on rebuild (matt might want to pipe in here)
    the rebuild time was reduced dramatically on the feature pattern to
    just 28 seconds!!!,
    Oddly, the fillet and the 'simple extruded boss' only lost a second
    or two from their previous times (still over 2.5 minutes for the pair).
    I should also warn that there is a risk associated with turning off
    verification on rebuild because the geometry might not be any good and
    you could add work to a fundamentally flawed model- to avoid this
    without verification on rebuild, you have to manually check the model
    with tools>check or a round trip Iges export/import, but for the
    rebuild savings I have to admit it is justifiable on a part like this.

    So, knowing all of that, how did we take this 742 second rebuild down
    to under 36 seconds with verification on rebuild still on?

    Where we got the biggest gains were by restructuring the part so we
    could pattern bodies instead of patterning the features. As a body,
    the pattern took just a little over 3 seconds, and combining the
    patterned bodies took 26 seconds - all with verification-on-rebuild
    What is really interesting is that the 'simple extruded boss'
    feature, which was not touched, went from 75 seconds to a tad over 1
    second. The fillet was irrelevant - it was incorporated into the
    patterned body instead of added after the pattern.

    I just throw this experience out so you can keep it in the back of your
    mind - if your instincts are that the part is taking waayyyyy too
    long to build
    a) use feature stats to see where you are blowing a ton of rebuild time
    and look for anomalies (like that simple extruded boss). Old tip, but
    always worth another mention
    b) if a feature pattern is killing you, look for a way to combine the
    features into a body that can be patterned and see if there is an
    improvement. Even if the body pattern doesn't gain a lot, keep an
    eye out for other features that benefit from the new structure (the
    latter surprised the hell out of me)

    ed1701, Oct 28, 2006
  2. ed1701

    Bo Guest

    Incredibly useful topic, and definately new news to me.

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Oct 28, 2006
  3. ed1701

    TOP Guest


    This kind of thing was evident when we did the truncated icosahedron
    competition. There is no rhyme or reason to some of the things that we
    see. The fastest part was also the most complicated. Seemingly similar
    approaches had widely varying times.
    TOP, Oct 28, 2006
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