full conversion from standard edition to plus edition

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JJ, May 14, 2004.

  1. JJ

    JJ Guest


    I'm a student and I'm using SW2001 at home and use SW2001 PLUS
    education edition in the department. (I know its not the newest
    software out there). I am very anxious on porting my files to my
    computer at home as it is so much more convenient. However, it seems
    as though SW2001 PLUS does not allow for saving as an older version. I
    have read other posts on this board and the only solutions are saving
    the files as file types which do not preserve features.

    Is there any solution to bring my files from 2001 Plus over to 2001
    without losing features etc? Maybe 3rd party software? Are the two
    versions really that fundamentally different that this is impossible?

    Would really appreciate some help thanks!

    JJ, May 14, 2004
  2. JJ

    Scott Guest

    Well if you read the posts you would have realized that this is not possible
    and probably never will be.

    Most of us here are using SW2004 and this capability is still not present.

    So if you want to use your SW01+ model in your SW2001. You will have to
    Parasolid it out and back in. You will lose your feature tree.

    Scott, May 14, 2004
  3. Paul Salvador, May 14, 2004
  4. JJ

    Scott Guest

    I seen this converter at SWWC 2004 and it's not any good than simply
    parasoliding out and back in. You save the file out as 3ds bring it back in
    and it tries "and I do stress the word tries", to rebuild the part. If it's
    the basic stuff it makes it. If it's new functionality then it becomes a
    imported body. So I guess it works for the basic stuff, but how many of us
    just build basic parts?

    Scott, May 14, 2004
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