FTP and AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeffrey K. Ries, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. [Originally posted to autodesk.autocad.2005]

    Why can't I get FTP access to work correctly through AutoCAD?

    First of all, in the account manager I would like to see an FTP account name
    to save with the IP address. When it is saved under the IP address, it is
    nearly impossible to know which account I am accessing until I do. This
    problem is worse when the IP address for the FTP server is not static. I
    would love to see entries such as "Arch Server", "Home Server" and "Details
    Server" in lieu of IP addresses.

    Next, even though I have an account saved through AutoCAD complete with user
    name and password it always asks me for them again whenever I open a file.
    If this is done to strengthen security could it be set up as a preference?
    I don't feel this level of security is necessary; I would opt for the
    grearter convienience of opening the file directly.

    Lastly, whenever I finish up with a file and attempt to close it I get an
    error stating that the file could not be saved. At this point the only
    thing I can do is to save the file to my harddrive and upload it through an
    FTP client. This, in itself, is reason enough to not use AutoCAD as a
    method to access FTP. Ideally, it would be nice to see a dwl file and a
    'read-only' status on the dwg file. This way if someone else tried to
    access the same file either through FTP or directly they would be told that
    the file was in use.

    Has anyone else had these same issues? ..and is there a better way?

    Jeffrey K. Ries
    Jeffrey K. Ries, Aug 16, 2004
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