Frustrating Record Update

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by kb, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. kb

    kb Guest

    I'm going crazy over this. I can't update a database record without the table just being opened. I have to pass a variable as part of the SQL statement query in order update the correct record. But I can't pass the variable to the rs.Open command as it doesn't accept it. If I try and use the rs.Execute method which will accept the SQL statement, I can't update the record because it's locked. How am I do to this?

    Dim RecordUpdateValue As String
    RecordUpdateValue = "SELECT ROADID FROM MSLINK_ROADID WHERE MSLINK" & " = " & UserForm1.TextBox1.Value

    Dim dbRst2 As New ADODB.Recordset
    dbRst2.Open "MSLINK_ROADID", dbConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

    dbRst2!RoadID = UserForm1.TextBox2.Value

    End Sub

    I somehow have to get the value in RecordUpdateValue passed to the recordset so it updates the correct record. Otherwise it just updates the first record, which is wrong.
    kb, Sep 2, 2004
  2. kb

    jdinardi Guest

    Hmmm just from looking at the code you posted something seems off. Usually with ADO you want to do things in an order similar to the following:

    set up and establish a connection object
    create a recordset object and set it's activeconnection to the above
    run your query (you can include the = as part of the first string by the way)
    change the fields you want to change
    update the recordset
    close the recordset

    note also that if the key you are using to find your record is a string then you need to include single quotes around it in your query like so:

    "SELECT * FROM table WHERE key = ' " & text1.text & " ' "

    I put some extra spaces in that so you can see the single quotes '

    Jacob Dinardi
    jdinardi, Sep 2, 2004
  3. kb

    kb Guest

    I have the database connection esstablished further up in another piece of code which works fine. I just didn't bother to put it in there, since the problem I'm having is the incorrect record is updating.

    The part that's not working is using a query string. As soon as I try using a query string I get an error, something about the provider not allowing that function.

    So I have to use the recordset.Open function with the parameters specified in order to open the data and be able to edit it.
    kb, Sep 2, 2004
  4. kb

    jdinardi Guest

    KB - it would be helpful if you can post the full code that you're using to establish your connection, the line of code that throws the error, and the error message.

    "The part that's not working is using a query string. As soon as I try using a query string I get an error, something about the provider not allowing that function."

    That sounds like there may be a problem with the way you are connecting.

    "So I have to use the recordset.Open function with the parameters specified in order to open the data and be able to edit it. Unfortunately this only lets me open a table in the database, not run a SQL query against that table."

    I'm not completely clear on what you are saying here. You can run SQL queries in something like

    myRecordSet.Open "SELECT * FROM any_table WHERE id = 15"

    If you are getting an error trying to do that then as mentioned above we really need to see the entire code.

    jdinardi, Sep 2, 2004
  5. kb

    LochDhu Guest

    The simple hack is this:

    Dim RecordUpdateValue As String
    RecordUpdateValue = "UPDATE MSLINK_ROADID SET RoadID = " &
    UserForm1.TextBox2.Value " WHERE MSLINK = " & UserForm1.TextBox1.Value

    dbConn.Execute RecordUpdateValue

    I am not taking into accout the datatype for RoadID & MSLINK.

    The proper way to do it is with a Command Object - here is a link with
    sample code. This way you can do proper error checking and see how many
    rows have been affected, if needed.

    Good Luck,


    table just being opened. I have to pass a variable as part of the SQL
    statement query in order update the correct record. But I can't pass the
    variable to the rs.Open command as it doesn't accept it. If I try and use
    the rs.Execute method which will accept the SQL statement, I can't update
    the record because it's locked. How am I do to this?
    recordset so it updates the correct record. Otherwise it just updates the
    first record, which is wrong.
    LochDhu, Sep 3, 2004
  6. Don't know if your problems are over, but don't do this cause it leads to
    memory leaks all sorts of trouble:

    Do this instead:

    Dim dbRst2 as ADODB.Recordset
    set dbRst2 = New ADODB.Recordset

    'this next step makes the recordset properties more clear and easy to debug
    dbRst2 .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    dbRst2 .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    dbRst2 .LockType = adLockOptimistic
    Set dbRst2 .ActiveConnection = dbConn

    UserForm1.TextBox1.Value & " ' ", , , , adCmdText
    '(I put extra space between the double quote and the single quote just to
    make it easy to spot. You need the single quote, because the value is a

    'I also like to establish the value using the traditional form, but it's
    faster using the "field number" instead of the "Field Name"
    dbRst2.Fields("ROADID").Value = UserForm1.TextBox2.Value

    By the looks of your code I'm supposing that ROADID is of type CHAR

    If you're going to use the connection object to "execute" the update, then
    the recorset can be readonly

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    table just being opened. I have to pass a variable as part of the SQL
    statement query in order update the correct record. But I can't pass the
    variable to the rs.Open command as it doesn't accept it. If I try and use
    the rs.Execute method which will accept the SQL statement, I can't update
    the record because it's locked. How am I do to this?
    recordset so it updates the correct record. Otherwise it just updates the
    first record, which is wrong.
    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 3, 2004
  7. kb

    TomD Guest

  8. kb

    kb Guest

    Thank you very much. That worked perfectly!! There was a few things you did that I never tried. The cursorType you switched to adOpenStatic, and instead of adCmdTable you used adCmdText.

    I had tried adCmdText, it had thrown an error saying it was a table I was trying to use in the database. Is this because of adOpenKeyset?

    ROADID is acutally a int in the database, but it doesn't seem to matter once the record is populated in the database. As the properties from taht table are applied to the value in the update. There will never been a string in this column.

    Thanks again, you saved my computer going out the window. :0)
    kb, Sep 3, 2004
  9. About the type of command, you can actually leave that blank and use the
    default, but that will take more time fetching the info.
    adCmdTable is used when you're fetching a whole table, and adCmdText when
    you're using an SQL string even if the string specifies all the records in a
    The cursor type depends on what functionality you want and it also depens on
    the provider you are using.
    The adOpenKeyset is similar to the Dynamic cursor, but they are both very
    heavy on resources.
    The adOpenStatic is a snapshot of the records, and you can always get a new
    snapshot doing a Recordset.Requery

    Also, you should never rely on automatic type convertions. If ROADID is
    Integer, then you should use

    dbRst2.Fields("ROADID").Value = cint(UserForm1.TextBox2.Value) <<<-- be
    sure to check for a blank value before doing this or use VAL instead.

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    did that I never tried. The cursorType you switched to adOpenStatic, and
    instead of adCmdTable you used adCmdText.
    trying to use in the database. Is this because of adOpenKeyset?
    once the record is populated in the database. As the properties from taht
    table are applied to the value in the update. There will never been a
    string in this column.
    Jorge Jimenez, Sep 3, 2004
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