Frustrated with SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by 128CRF, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    People get a little defensive when the truth hurts.
    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  2. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    I know that change is hard, I have been thru it before. This goes far
    beyond "I don't know what to do, I'm new."
    I hate how the software tells you, this operation will cause geometry
    to be absorbed and can not complet. I don't care if something gets
    absorbed! If I don't like it I will go back and cjange something in
    the feature. Go ahead and do it!!! These are just excuses for lazy
    Complex geometry is all I do. That is what I get in responce from
    support, "solidworks does not handle complex geometry very well".
    Support tells me that a loft or a sweep with more than one or two
    guide curves complicates things. WHAT?!?! Why have a feature if it is
    going to complicate the part so much that it is practically
    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  3. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    It is vey obvious that I have a bad VAR for support. I know this. Some
    of the responses that I have received from support are not very
    professional, nor are they very helpfull.
    What is normal responce time for a case? Even if it is just an e-mail
    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  4. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    Thanks, I needed that. I wanted to like this software, it allways
    looks good on a resume to have experience in multible CAD packages.
    Now I don't know if I will even list it.
    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  5. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    Great! Good for you. I am glad it is the solution for you. In the line
    of business that I am in, it is not.

    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  6. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    You hit the nail on the head "bang for the buck". You get what you pay
    How does the price of the license "soften the hatred". I didn't pay
    for it, the company did.

    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  7. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    I am not asking for help in this posting. I am just venting. I have
    talked about my problems until I am blue in the face. Thanks for
    trying to help, but I really don't want to talk about it any more.
    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  8. never used email to contact my var.
    i usually get immediate help by phone when i call because i need
    something. if i'm not in a hurry, i ask on the newsgroup and usually
    in less than an hour i get an answer.
    what is more, a few times i also got a part made by somebody else =)
    i was asking something about lofts and a friend on the newsgroup
    emailed me 8 different parts using the loft i was trying to build.

    Gianni Rondinini, Oct 14, 2003
  9. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    Have you looked at SolidEdge? AutoCAD LT!?!? Are you serious?

    128CRF, Oct 14, 2003
  10. 128CRF

    Sporkman Guest

    Dan, my experience with my VAR is that I get an email response within
    the day, sometimes within the hour. That is TriMech Solutions, and they
    are the largest VAR (I believe) in the mid-Atlantic region, which
    probably explains why they have very good tech support. If you are
    anywhere from South Carolina to Pennsylvania they may be the best choice
    for you (perhaps by far). If you work elsewhere do a little research
    with the SolidWorks User Group in your area.

    For complex geometry, surfacing, "swoopy stuff" and the like, try Ed
    Eaton's tutorials on the Dimonte Group's web site. That's -- and right now the site doesn't seem to be
    responding for some reason. Contact me directly if you can't get on the
    site and I can send you the tutorials directly. There are quite a few
    of them and they're not small (some are tens of megabytes each), so if
    your company maintains an FTP site that would be better than direct

    To email me you've got to unMUNGE my email address, remove the most
    obvious extraneous (capitalized) text, and REPLACE some things (like
    replace UNDERLINE with an underline _ ).

    Sporkman, Oct 14, 2003
  11. Well, at least they're honest. This really is a weak point for SW. They
    haven't been able to figure out how to make a good user interface for lofts
    and sweeps that works for beginners and experts. The interface they came up
    with doesn't work well for anyone.
    Even one guide curve can cause big problems, depending on how things are
    defined. Go to
    then to the Tutorials page. Download both of Ed Eaton's Curvy Stuff
    tutorials and watch the slide shows. Do that a couple of times, practicing
    the stuff that you learn. It will help a lot. It won't stop you from
    swearing, but it will lessen the frequency.
    Because it looks good in sales presentations.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 14, 2003
  12. 128CRF

    jon banquer Guest

    "They haven't been able to figure out how to make a good user interface for
    lofts and sweeps that works for beginners and experts. The interface they
    came up with doesn't work well for anyone."

    How do you turn on the U, V surface points of imported geometry so they can
    be manipulated in SolidWorks 2004 ?

    How do you turn on the control points for imported NURB splines so the can
    be manipulated in SolidWorks 2004 ?
    Not to someone who understands how limited the current SolidWorks
    2004 approach is and why.

    jon banquer, Oct 14, 2003
  13. 128CRF

    jon banquer Guest

    Solidworks "bang for the buck" is hard to beat. The only better value
    Brand new offering. VX Basic... $995.

    Might even be cheaper from a VAR.

    "Features and benefits

    Hybrid solid and surfaces modeling kernel.

    Affordable entry level solid and surface modeling.

    Binary compatibility with all the VX product family.

    Powerful layout, drafting and detailing."

    jon banquer, Oct 15, 2003
  14. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    Would you like me to send you a list of things that support has told
    me that SW will not do? I am not an idiot, I know how to work with,
    and learn new packages. I learned and was modeling very complex
    automotive models in 3 to 4 months with UG.
    Do you work for Solidworks, because you sound like my salesman, "You
    just need more training, let me sign you up for....".

    128CRF, Oct 15, 2003
  15. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    Yea, my VAR's responce is usually within 2 to 3 days. I have one case
    that I turned in 12 working days ago. I have not received anything. It
    is a good thing it is not important.

    128CRF, Oct 15, 2003
  16. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    I have bookmarked the site. I will check back in a day or so.

    128CRF, Oct 15, 2003
  17. Dan,
    I would like to see this list.

    Richard Doyle, Oct 15, 2003
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