Frustrated with SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by 128CRF, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. 128CRF

    128CRF Guest

    Is there anyone else who thinks that SolidWorks is crap? I moved to a
    new job back in Jan.. During the interview my boss mentioned that they
    were going to start using Solidworks. I thought no problem, I am
    fairly proficient with I-deas Master Series and UG SolidWorks should
    be a breeze.

    I signed up for all the basic and advanced classes that SW offered.
    When I would have a problem I would contact support (which is a joke
    in itself), and get "SW is not ment to do that", "you cant do that",

    I have used this software for 10 months now, and I hate it now as much
    as I hated it in March. The sales people and the training classes tell
    you how easy SW is to use. What they don't tell you is that for
    everything that is real easy to do, there are ten other things that
    are not usable because they just give you enough to get started.

    Does anybody else feel this way?
    128CRF, Oct 10, 2003
  2. 128CRF

    neil Guest

    neil, Oct 10, 2003
  3. Perhaps you could share some of the things you are having trouble with. This
    group might be able to help. Often times a new CAD system is simply one
    "whack-of-the-head-oh-now-I-get-it" revelation away.

    Richard Doyle, Oct 10, 2003
  4. 128CRF

    jon banquer Guest

    Is there anyone else who thinks that SolidWorks is crap?

    No I don't think it's crap. What I do think is that thier
    original concept of being a just a history based solid only
    modeler was wrong and that this is still causing many
    problems with the product today.

    IMO, SolidWorks Corp. relies much to heavily on third party
    components to do some of the work that SolidWorks Corp.
    should be doing themselves. For instance, SolidEdge does not
    use a third party software component to handle their new
    surfacing functionality. It's fine to use third party
    software components but it's not cool to require third party
    components to do the *entire* job especially when the needed
    functionality is not currently available in those third
    party software components and may not be for some time... if
    at all !!!

    IMO, I don't think that SolidWorks spends nearly enough
    money on R&D.

    SolidWorks Corp. also does not seem to understand the tools
    that someone working in a machine shop with non-native
    geometry needs in order to get the job done *quickly*. In a
    hard pressed machine shop the time is not there to only be
    able to use one tool (FeatureWorks) to get the job done. IMO
    this is unrealistic and many other companies (IronCAD, VX's
    Vision, think3 thinkdesign / thinkshape with Global Shape
    Modeling, etc.) provide far superior tools to get the job
    done in a more expedient manner.

    Finally, when it comes to surfacing SolidWorks Corp. really
    seems very, very lost on how to make the modeling experience
    of using both surface and solid tools seamless and unified.
    It's more like a hack and whack experience. (hack and whack
    copyright J/K)

    The above have been issues in SolidWorks for many, many
    years now and they continue to cause problems for lots of
    users, many of whom are forced to use other programs in
    order to get the job done.

    The interesting part of some of this is that I believe that the
    latest head of SolidWorks R&D comes from Brown and Sharpe
    and should really know better about how users need to
    deal with non-native imported geometry. Perhaps he has not
    had enough time yet to leave his stamp on the product ???
    I guess only SolidWorks 2005 will tell us how much weight he
    really has in getting the numerous issues that have plagued
    SolidWorks for many years straightened out.

    Sadly SolidWorks 2004 is still very much an incomplete product
    in many ways.

    jon banquer, Oct 10, 2003
  5. Sometimes it is very hard to make the transition from one way of doing
    things to another. I haven't used I-deas since I test drove it when it came
    out, so I don't know how different the present software might be from SW.
    That should have helped a lot in making the transition. If you hadn't said
    this, it would have been my first suggestion.
    Sounds like you have a lousy VAR. Check into the VARs available in your
    area. See if one of them stands out. Talk your company into switching the
    Support to them when you renew.
    What are some of the things you are having trouble with. Maybe some of us
    can help.
    Sometimes. Are you doing a lot of complex geometry and surfacing? SW is
    still struggling in this area, where UG has a long history.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 10, 2003
  6. No, I don't think its crap, but I do think the support could be better.
    ( not referring to you Richard)
    No Name Given, Oct 10, 2003
  7. 128CRF

    bob zee Guest

    the point here is this: you are never going to feel any differently. you
    have given it an honest 10 months. who could ask for anything more? who in
    their right mind would honestly bang away at something they hated for 10
    months and never give up? you have an iron will. you are a major assest to
    some company. have you thought about changing jobs?
    the really difficult thing is this: bob z. is being very civil. you see,
    you are mad at something he really likes. most people have a hard time
    seperating someone's opinion from an outright attack. bob z. doesn't have
    the ability to seperate fact from reality, fact from fiction, poetry from

    bob z.
    p.s. musta been a dream, don't believe where i am. come on! let's do it
    again. do you...

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Oct 10, 2003
  8. 128CRF

    jon banquer Guest

    "Are you doing a lot of complex geometry and
    surfacing? SW is still struggling in this area, where UG has
    a long history."

    UG started out with a CAM background as it's core. I think
    the Uni part is from University APT and the "Uni" remained when a
    graphic front end was built. Any idea what a tremendous benefit
    starting this way was and is to producing a real world CAD/CAM
    package ???

    Forgetting complex geometry and surfacing for a moment how
    about just focusing on the FACT that Solidworks is very badly
    lacking in the needed tools that other CAD/CAM packages
    have for editing and modifying non-native prismatic solid

    How about ease of use ??? Does SolidWorks have anywhere
    near the ease of use as say IronCAD ??? If not why, not ???

    There is a lot more wrong with SolidWorks than just complex
    geometry and surfacing.

    jon banquer, Oct 10, 2003
  9. 128CRF

    mold.dude Guest

    Hey bob z.,

    I saw Pete last spring at the Blockbuster Pavilion with Journey. Awesome show!
    He's still rockin for an old man.....

    Ken B.
    mold.dude, Oct 10, 2003
  10. 128CRF

    Nick E. Guest

    bob zee quipped:
    so....are you saying he an asset....or the assest (assiest?)?

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Oct 10, 2003
  11. 128CRF

    Art Woodbury Guest

    I don't think it is crap at all. It is full of good features, gets better
    every year and is reasonably priced. There's nothing I need to do that SW
    can't accomplish. I could say that about Master Series, too, which I bought
    in '94. But SW didn't cost $20000 (with another $20000 for the SGI
    workstation -- no I-DEAS for NT back then).

    I'm an independent optomechanical designer, and I spend my own money on
    design tools. When I looked at the revenue and productivity vs. maintenance
    cost for both packages a couple of years ago, I dropped I-DEAS maintenance,
    haven't used it in nearly a year, and don't miss it that much.
    I took both courses when I bought SW 4+ years ago, and even with 5-odd years
    of previous solid modeling background, learning the new software was a
    challenge. But not a challenge that couldn't be overcome. What,
    "specifically" can't SW do for you? Or put another way, what kind of design
    work do you do that SW can't cope with? Since support is from a VAR, you may
    have the bad luck to have a bad VAR, and that can make a huge difference.
    I'm fortunate to have one of the best SW VARs in the US.
    Once again, what can't SW do for you? Is the software really lacking, are
    you having a problem learning to work a different way, or do you have some
    very unusual and demanding design task?

    Art Woodbury, Oct 11, 2003
  12. 128CRF

    Nick E. Guest

    Art Woodbury quipped:
    Perosnally, I can't wait for the day when people start griping about
    something like "But SW didn't cost $20000 (with another $200 for the MSOS
    -- no SW for Linux back then)."


    -nick e.
    Nick E., Oct 11, 2003
  13. 128CRF

    kellnerp Guest

    UG comes from a heritage of real engineers having to solve general
    engineering problems and it's cost reflects that approach. SW and the rest
    come from a heritage of stripping down software to get what most people
    want in an easy to use package. There is a certain amount of confidence
    that you can have with UG that you can't have with SW or the other mid
    range modelers.

    Theoretically both can do what the other does since they share the same
    kernal, but in reality it doesn't work that way.

    It is a shame that you hear the excuse that SW cannot do this or that in
    response to the problems you are having because those limitations are not
    evident in the documentation for the most part. In the limit, I suppose you
    could say that SW does just what you see in the demos and training manuals
    and not much more. That is a bit extreme but is sometimes not far from the

    On the other hand the UG parts that I have reverse engineered in SW have
    been completed far quicker than they were in UG even when including the
    reverse engineering time. But when it comes to dealing with imported
    geometry UG will still outshine SW when in the right hands.
    kellnerp, Oct 11, 2003
  14. 128CRF

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    We are not quite and I must say that we are a long way off from having any 1
    program do everything. There are times that some programs do better than
    others., But and i do stress but......untill we find outconcept
    Arthur Y-S, Oct 11, 2003
  15. 128CRF

    bob zee Guest

    damn typos...
    bob z. was thinking asset, but you have made it much more entertaining!

    bob z.
    p.s. the Linus quote is awesome. I almost snatched it when I read it the
    first time.

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Oct 11, 2003
  16. 128CRF

    Nick E. Guest

    bob zee quipped:
    from a NYT article, September 28, 2003:
    NYT: People position you as the nemesis to Bill Gates. He started Microsoft
    and you started Linux, the big competition to Microsoft's dominance of
    operating systems. Is that an unfair or inaccurate characterization?

    LT: The thing is, at least to me personally, Microsoft just isn't relevant
    to what I do. That might sound strange, since they are clearly the dominant
    player in the market that Linux is in, but the thing is: I'm not in the
    ''market.'' I'm interested in Linux because of the technology, and Linux
    wasn't started as any kind of rebellion against the ''evil Microsoft
    empire.'' Quite the reverse, in fact: from a technology angle, Microsoft
    really has been one of the least interesting companies. So I've never seen
    it as a ''Linus versus Bill'' thing. I just can't see myself in the
    position of the nemesis, since I just don't care enough. To be a nemesis,
    you have to actively try to destroy something, don't you? Really, I'm not
    out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side

    Feel free to grab a different quote. There's a few good ones there. :)

    --nick e.

    p.s. I love konqueror's ability to archive a web page for me. :) This is one
    of those pages I archived and plan on putting on my site. With proper
    credit given to the NYT, of course.
    Nick E., Oct 11, 2003
  17. 128CRF

    Sporkman Guest

    That's RICH!!! Rich, rich, rich. I love it!! (ROTFL)
    Sporkman, Oct 11, 2003
  18. i believe your problem is the --wrong-- var you're contacting or the
    worse person answering the phone.

    Gianni Rondinini, Oct 13, 2003
  19. Does anybody else feel this way?

    No. While SolidWorks is not the absolute best or most functional CAD
    system it is beyond a doubt the best VALUE going.

    Solidworks "bang for the buck" is hard to beat. The only better value
    I know of is AutoCAD LT.

    Excessive expectation and easy disappointment are linked. Remembering
    the license price might soften the hatred.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Oct 13, 2003
  20. 128CRF

    Deri Jones Guest

    Too true - if you are getting replies like "Solidworks isn't supposed to do
    that" - it sounds like someone on the end of the phone who either doesn't
    care or can't be arsed finding out how SW does it. I can think of at least
    half a dozen problems in the last 2 years that I had that reply from various
    folks at the VAR, but a bit of hunting and persistence and especially asking
    on the NG has sorted the problems - as someone further up the thread said -
    you get a "Doh - that's so obvious" moment and cruise until the next hassle.
    Find someone at your VAR who really knows the software (in an industrial
    setting, working against deadlines, not one who is genned up on selling the
    latest twiddly bits) and work with them to develop the solutions - you are
    paying them a heap of dosh after all and if they are worth their salt, they
    will respond to the challenge. If your current VAR doesn't have someone like
    this, shift - they should get the message and employ engineers and not
    Keep with it and try venting problems to the NG - there are a lot nice
    people here who will pitch in to assist and I'd guess several hundreds of
    years worth of accumulated SW experience in a heap of fields - I guess if
    you get a "Solidworks can't do that" reply after posting here, then you can
    be pretty certain it's true!
    Best of Luck
    Deri Jones, Oct 13, 2003
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