Frustrated with 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Michael, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. Michael

    Michael Guest

    Just venting, but why can't SW Corp. slow down and stop releasing so
    many darn releases/SP's and just release one that has all bugs fixed.
    I think 2004 is the worse release so far. We all know, that we as
    subscribers, are their program testers, it truely sucks that we have
    to pay them to fix their own screw ups.

    Anyone using Inventor have this many problems? Would like to know.

    Hate to say it, but even Microsoft at least fixes/releases their screw
    ups for free.

    My opinion.
    Michael, Dec 4, 2003
  2. Michael

    Arlin Guest

    Anyone using Inventor have this many problems? Would like to know.

    No personal experience, but this article blasts Inventor pretty heavily.
    On some relatively simple stuff, too:
    Arlin, Dec 4, 2003
  3. Michael,
    Vent away, it's good to get it out sometimes.

    I would be interested to here exactly what problems you are having that make
    you think this is the worst release. I've run into 2 bugs (and was shown a
    third) that are irritating but do have work-arounds. Other than that, I find
    this to be the very best SWX release ever. <anal retentive prismatic
    engineer/designer disclaimer right here>. I don't consider myself a
    "non-paid tester" - I consider SolidWorks to be a partner in our business
    and as such we both have responsibilities to each other. They produce the
    finest software I've ever used for mechanical design and I help them make it
    better. This might be an unpopular opinion, but it works for me.

    Yes, Inventor users have the same issues. IV8 has a "migration" error that
    is rendering the initial release useless for some users. Take a look at the
    IV7 newsgroup and you will find many of the same complaints about IV as you
    will about SWX (it's moderated so the flaming is kept to a minimum).
    AutoDesk is working on the problem and will have it fixed soon I'm sure.
    Point is, all software has bugs, all software works in ways that may not be
    "the right way", and all software will have it's advocates and detractors.

    If you can make a business case for time lost, lower productivity, and
    consistently poor software performance, switch to something else. If you are
    interested in working with your software vendors to provide the tools you
    need to get your job done better and faster, then take the road more
    traveled and submit bugs to your VAR, submit enhancement requests, gather
    with other users (user groups/conferences) to learn from them, and help make
    SolidWorks even better.

    And every now and then come in here to vent away.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 4, 2003
  4. Michael

    Jeff N Guest

    One dirty word: Marketing.

    And the Marketing works if you're not experienced with the software. I was
    all giddy and had to have the latest and greatest the minute it came out, I
    even ewwwed and awwwed over the demo back in the day, until I started
    realizing that I was getting burned in the process of jumping on everything
    the moment it was released.

    As far as the value of the Service Packs, I believe it has diminished. I
    really think that bug fixes and software enhancement should be separated.
    Bug fixes should be free and software enhancement should be paid for. I
    would argue that all the other CAD companies make the end user pay for bug
    fixes, but even AutoDesk offers patches for free. Something like Express
    tools though was always reserved for subscribers. Bentley's Microstation
    is/was set up that way. The only value I see is getting the major upgrades
    when they are released (just don't install them right away).

    In a perfect world I would like to see these benefits included in
    Subscription Services:
    A printed/online magazine with content like SolidWorks Express (which is
    randomly published). Doesn't have to have a lot of pages, just has to be
    delivered monthly.
    A moderated forum in which SolidWorks tech employees are actively
    participating all day. The forum should be formatted with vBulletin A lot of message boards use this, not that
    there's anything really wrong with the current SW message board.
    E-Learning that follows the same format as the SolidWorks training books.
    More discounts on hardware and third-party software and a discount on
    SolidWorks World registration.
    A thorough searchable tech database published online (similar to Pro/E's).
    My VAR has one, but SolidWorks should have one that could be constructed by
    VARs across the nation accessible to everyone on subscription.
    Maybe it's time SolidWorks increased their prices so that they can make
    better software and put more value into the subscription services. Would any
    of you object to a slight increase in the cost?

    Side note: I just looked down at my McDonalds cup to see "New! Chicken
    Nuggets made with white meat." "Change is good."
    What the hell was I eating before? I guess one day we'll see "New!
    SolidWorks 2010 made with stable, 99% bug free code." At least we'll know
    what kind of software we were using before. :p
    Jeff N, Dec 4, 2003
  5. Michael

    bob zee Guest

    bob z. has determined that after over 3 years of using solidworks and
    working with over 20 different people using the same software, the problems
    are directly related to the OPERATOR.
    yes, you are at the controls. so, yes, you cause the errors. sure, bob z.
    likes to blame micro$oft for all of the problems with solidworks, but we, as
    a whole, have allowed that to happen.

    it is *your* fault that there are problems with solidworks. how do you
    draw? how do you maintain your hardware? how do you maintain your
    software? how do you maintain your O/S? do you like circular references?
    do you mirror parts in an assy and add about a thousand configurations? do
    you make sub-assy's of two parts and then put that inside of another assy
    with 2 more parts and then put that inside another assy with two more parts
    and on and on and on?

    bob z. doesn't crash very often anymore. why? he is gettin better at using
    the software. he doesn't do stupid stuff anymore. is bob z. calling you
    stupid if you crash a lot? you can decide that for yourself.

    Happy Holidays!

    bob z.
    p.s. five minutes alone, oh please won't you give us...

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things

    the police aren't targeting you. you are making yourself a target.
    bob zee, Dec 4, 2003
  6. Michael

    N. Jones Guest

    Is that a Pink Floyd reference? By the way.........nice post :)

    N. Jones, Dec 4, 2003
  7. Michael

    matt Guest


    Thanks for saying that so nicely.


    I'm not as nice as Richard :eek:)

    Sometimes its a little too easy to take potshots at someone who won't
    defend themselves against specious claims. It's like going home and kicking
    the dog. It's not his fault, but he won't bite you, so he gets to bear the
    brunt of your frustration.

    By blaming the software or the software company, you make the situation
    something that you can't control. Situations you can't control are

    If people had to post a specific example of what was bothering them every
    time they posted a flamer, you would see two things: many fewer flaming
    posts, and a lot of utter nonsense debunked.

    The thread earlier about "loft weirdness" had a specific example. Yes
    there was something screwed up in the software, but the poster got a way to
    get where he needed to go, and he learned something about lofts. The guy
    who just said basically "PDMWorks sux" with no specific reason went home
    and kicked the dog. The guy who had a "fillet bug" posted a file, and
    learned something about multibodies, it turned out to be user error. The
    guy who had a "drawing bug" learned something about settings and fixed his
    "problem". You, who offer nothing specific, I suspect, will just go home
    and kick the dog.

    What if, just what if, the problems were something you *could* control?
    Wouldn't you feel better about that? Chances are very good that the
    problem *is* something you can control. That's good news.

    As Richard so nicely said, SW04 really is a nice release. Sure, there are
    some specific problems here and there, but this is by far not the worst.
    That means that if you are having problems, there's a good chance that
    there's some sort of rational explanation that you can control and
    hopefully fix.

    So it's your choice. You can kick the dog, or you can learn something and
    get some help.

    matt, Dec 4, 2003
  8. Michael

    neil Guest

    yeah Michael roll over at your masters feet like mutt....
    neil, Dec 4, 2003
  9. Michael

    Whit Guest

    AAarrgh!! I just mirrored a few dozen bolts and washers, Toolbox
    Fasteners, in some biga$$ assemblies, 30Mb and up! Am I hosed?! I almost
    never mirror real parts, after trying and failing a few times I quit


    bob zee wrote:
    Same backatchya
    Whit, Dec 4, 2003
  10. Hi bob,

    Lessee, I just did a complete reinstall of windoze. Then a complete fresh install of SWX.
    Open a new part ( not a single sketch line or anything ) zoom to area, zoom to fit and SWX is gone from sight. No
    warning no fatal error just gone.

    Damn I hate being so stupid!

    Malcolm_Tempt, Dec 4, 2003
  11. Michael

    N. Jones Guest

    You know what..............don't use the fcking something
    else or get a different job........I think the point here is that instead of
    just complaining try to understand where the root of the problem lies. Is it
    user error? Is it a software bug? You know what no one knows.......and why
    because all the information we have is that SW blows and has bugs.......
    Well I for one get tired of it......I may have to stop reading this group.
    If it bothers you that bad then get a different software package or a new
    job. Oh and why on God's green earth would you start a new file and zoom to
    an area then zoom back out......I don't know about anyone else but I don't
    have time in my job to be screwing around trying to crash SW........

    Any way............

    zoom to fit and SWX is gone from sight. No
    N. Jones, Dec 4, 2003
  12. Michael

    neil Guest

    I hope you're just not venting about venting without analysing your
    feelings.... : )
    neil, Dec 4, 2003
  13. Michael

    bob zee Guest

    no, this time it isn't a pink floyd reference. it is actually pantera.
    bob z. hasn't listened to much pink floyd lately. bob z. has a hard time
    with them ever since he saw the 'movie' (you know the one, The Wall). now,
    listening to their music, (yes, it is only one album), bob z. gets really
    depressed. he feels really bad for that guy that lost his mind in that
    hotel room. scary stuff. fictional characters, story, etc., but depressing
    nonetheless. bob z. doesn't need any help with the depression thing...

    o.k., back on topic.

    it is very easy to become fixated on the little things that cause problems.
    why is this? is it some sort of human nature thing?

    bob z. wants everyone from now on to see how long they can go after finding
    a problem with swx/micro$oft/insert your dog's name here before they say
    anything about it. bob z. bets no one in here can go a week before becoming
    the 'genius star pupil' who will solve the world's problems because they
    just found the latest bug.
    bob zee, Dec 4, 2003
  14. **** you very much Noel,


    Malcolm_Tempt, Dec 4, 2003
  15. Michael

    N. Jones Guest



    N. Jones, Dec 4, 2003
  16. Michael

    matt Guest

    Bob Zee is an excellent example. Bob Zee used to be a dog-kicker himself,
    but it seems Bob Zee has come to see the light and understands now that Bob
    Zee's fate is in Bob Zee's own hands, or in Bob Zee's left hand anyway, I
    can't say just what's in Bob Zee's right hand.

    Thanks for chipping in, Bob Zee.


    "It looks just like a Telefunken U-47"

    matt, Dec 4, 2003
  17. bob zee wrote:

    Uhh, I hope I don't push you over the edge there bob zee, but "The Wall"
    was pretty much Roger Water's autobiography.

    I enjoy your song quotes and can usually can name them including "Five
    Minutes Alone". We seem to have the many of the same tastes in rock.
    Here's one for you:

    "I make love to mountain lions"

    And to stay OT - Solidworks sucks... and rocks.
    David Clifton, Dec 4, 2003
  18. Hey, guys (and the few gals around), lighten up. Michael vented a bit, then
    we line up, form the SW Sucks/SW Rocks teams and pile up in a hellacious
    scrum. Couldn't we just agree to disagree?

    Sometimes SW Rocks, sometimes it sucks. Sometimes it's stupid software,
    sometimes it's stupid me.

    Good I got four days off for Thanksgiving. Bad I spent three in
    bed with a bad cold. Still, it was Thanksgiving. When I think about how
    lucky I am to have all the things I have (and "things" are the least of
    them), I thank my lucky stars.

    So, lighten up! It's just software.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 4, 2003
  19. Michael

    Sporkman Guest

    I agree wholeheartedly. Let's be civil here ladies and gents. But as
    far as it just being software is concerned I have to disagree . . . it's
    just our livelihood we're talking about here.

    Sporkman, Dec 4, 2003
  20. Michael

    Bert Guest

    Bob, what SP are you using? Just curious.

    Bert, Dec 4, 2003
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