From VLisp to Clipboard

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Sal, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Sal

    Sal Guest

    Hi All,

    How can i have VLisp code a put a number, that has been developed in the
    code, onto the clipboard?

    Thanks in advance.
    Sal, Feb 12, 2004
  2. Sal

    tsigwing Guest

    tsigwing, Feb 12, 2004
  3. Sal

    Sal Guest

    uhhh...thanks, i think?

    How do i put this in the code so that when the execution is complete, the
    user can go to another app, like Excel, and paste the number into a cell?

    Sal, Feb 12, 2004
  4. Sal

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    The only way I can think of (using plain lisp) requires a little user

    (setq var2copy "This is a test!")
    (princ (strcat "\n" var2copy))
    (getstring "\nPlease highlight the line above this one and press CTRL-C,
    enter when done....")

    This works, but is hardly automated.......

    Second, you could download and use DOSLib from McNeel & Associates

    Third, you could search this group and find a post made by Daniel Lutzow
    on March 11, 2003. He posted a link to a function he wrote to do just

    BTW, I found options 2 & 3 by doing a search in the

    Jeff Mishler, Feb 12, 2004
  5. Sal

    Sal Guest

    Thanks for the *hint*


    Sal, Feb 12, 2004
  6. Sal

    Sal Guest

    Hey Jeff,
    I'm using the Edit | Find pull-down and searching for "copyclip" in the text
    and that's not working. Then i searched for Daniel Lutzow in the from box
    and that doesn't work. It seems to only search the posts that were
    downloaded and these only go back to Jan'04.

    How do i expand my search, or am i even searching wrong?

    Sal, Feb 12, 2004
  7. Sal

    Jeff Mishler Guest

    Hi Sal,
    The problem there is that it appears you are using Outlook Express and
    all headers for the newsgroup have not been downloaded. So you need to:
    Either get all the headers, which would take a while if you are on
    dial-up; use Google to search; or use the web interface for the groups

    Personally, I got all of the headers for all the groups I'm interested
    in. I think that the local type search using OE works the best.

    Jeff Mishler, Feb 12, 2004
  8. Sal

    The real JD Guest

    How about using the doslib addon?
    There are clipboard functions included!
    They work great!
    The real JD, Feb 12, 2004
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