From 2003 to 2004?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pete, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. pete

    pete Guest

    I am finally getting used to the way solidworks, works(doesn't work!!) lol

    I now face a new challenge of installing 2004 gulp!

    Here is my setup at the moment:-

    1 Novell 5.0 server and 23 mixed windows workstations.
    2 windows workgroups.
    Solidworks 2003 on 1 XP pro machine on workgroup 2.
    Pdmworks and the toolbox are on another XP pro machine with mirrored scsi
    hard drives, (this machine is used as a drawings server which is backed up
    every night onto a built in scsi tape drive), but is still only a work
    station! this is also on workgroup2.
    There is also another XP pro workstation on workgroup2.

    We are hoping to get a windows small business server 2003 soon, he! he! and
    pigs might fly!
    But that is what the god like creatures above have said. (Soon means within
    the next 5 years going by their past record!)

    Ok, now, will I have any problems upgrading to 2004?? huge question, I know,
    but one I need to ask.
    Will my Toolbox be over written etc... blah blah ?
    pete, Nov 18, 2003
  2. pete

    Jim Matthews Guest

    Noooooooooooo!!! Don't do it, save yourself a lot of aggravation! I would
    wait at least until three or four service packs (this release sucks so bad,
    maybe you should wait for SW2005?) have been released to clean up some of
    the REALLY bogus bulls**t that infests this release.

    I haven't said this about a lot of programs over the years, but this release
    of Solidworks makes you wonder what kind of drugs the programmers were using
    when they did this abortion.

    Hey Solid-doesn't-Works, for the amount of money we have paid for a 20 seat
    site license, I don't think it is unreasonable to expect to receive a stable
    and functional software product. Nowhere in the end user license does it
    say the paying customer is expected to be an unofficial beta tester.

    And if you think I sound irritable right now, just wait until I have to tell
    our marketing and operations VPs that we may start missing shipping dates
    because we can't get SolidWorks to work right.
    Jim Matthews, Nov 18, 2003
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