Freeze Layer

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Eric Black, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Eric Black

    Eric Black Guest

    When I want to freeze a layer I get into my modelspace window and use the
    express tool "layfrz". This used to freeze that layer in all windows and
    would show as frozen in layer properties manager in both paper space and
    model space. Now for some reason if I get into model space, freeze a layer,
    return to paper space and open layer properties manager, that layer does not
    show as frozen. It is still invisible but does not show as being frozen.
    When you return to model space, layer properties manager shows it as being
    frozen in current viewport only. This makes layer manager useless since it
    thinks a layer is on but it is actually frozen in a viewport. How do I get
    "layfrz" to freeze a layer in all vports and paper / model space?

    Thanks for your help,

    Eric Black, Aug 12, 2004
  2. Eric Black

    Eric Black Guest

    I am using AutoCAD 2004 and windows XP. Sorry I forgot to add that.
    Eric Black, Aug 12, 2004
  3. Eric Black

    Jason Rhymes Guest

    I never seen it myself do that in past releases but it could have. Try using
    the VPLAYER command. You can freeze in all vports from there.
    Jason Rhymes, Aug 13, 2004
  4. Now that is interesting. My express tools tool bar layer freeze, freezes a
    layer in model space when an entity on the desired layer is selected and
    when used in paper space within the viewport, it vplayer freezes the
    selected layer. The layer is still thawed and on in model space.

    Dave Alexander
    Keen Engineering Co. Ltd.
    Dave Alexander, Aug 13, 2004
  5. Eric Black

    Eric Black Guest

    I am trying to freeze layers of an xref'd object. When I try using "vplayer"
    it would select the layer the xref object is on and freeze that layer
    causing the entire xref to disappear. The "layfrz" command used to freeze a
    layer in all vports. I haven't added any programs or upgrades so I can't
    imagine what might have changed to keep it from working now. Thanks for your
    suggestion though.

    Eric Black, Aug 17, 2004
  6. Eric Black

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    When using LAYFRZ, use the "OPTIONS" function after entering the command to contol the effect it has on blocks and nested layers.
    OLD-CADaver, Aug 17, 2004
  7. Eric Black

    Eric Black Guest

    There are 3 options under "layfrz"
    1. "Block level nesting" has same effect, freezes in current vport only
    2. "Entity level nesting" also freezes current vport only
    3. "No nesting" freezes the layer the xref is on causing xref to dissappear

    I can't find anything under Autocad help to answer this question. It says to
    freeze layers in all vports use layer properties manager to select and
    freeze. I don't want to scroll through 100 layers to find the ones I want
    frozen. I know "layfrz" used to do this in all vports!!

    Thanks for your help. Any additional suggestions would be appreciated.


    to contol the effect it has on blocks and nested layers.
    Eric Black, Aug 17, 2004
  8. Eric Black

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    LAYFRZ, if used in MS (TILEMODE=1) will freeze the layer in the file, and therefore in all viewports. But if TILMODE=0, it will only freeze the layer in that selected viewport. That is how it's functioned since R13 bonus tools AFAIK

    If you want the layer frozen in ALL viewports, go to MODEL tab and execute LAYFRZ.
    OLD-CADaver, Aug 17, 2004
  9. You need to find out what layer the object is on inside the xref drawing. I
    tend to find life easier if I have a copy of the xref drawing open as well
    as the drawing I'm working on to check things like that.

    If the xref drawing is called testxref and the object is on the invisble
    layer you meed to freeze the testxref|invisible layer in the drawing you're
    working on

    Daniel J. Ellis, Aug 27, 2004
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