Freeform not working like the demo...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Chebea, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. Chebea

    Chebea Guest

    I have watched the nice "Freeform Boathull" video by Mr Biasotti.

    In the video, after control curves are added to the surface, the points
    defining the control curves are moved using the triad, so that each
    control curve is completely aligned with the template curves.

    Quote: "I grab the bottom control node and the vector and move ... "

    I have tried to do the same, but when I create a control curve I am not
    able to move the endpoints of the curve. I can create points along the
    curve and manipulate them, but the endpoints are stuck where they were
    created. There is no "bottom control node" to grab!

    What am I missing?
    Chebea, Mar 18, 2007
  2. Chebea

    Chebea Guest

    Hehe I found the answer to this one myself.

    It seems the accessibility of the control points depend on what edge
    condition is used for the edge. If it is on "Contact", which is the
    default, the control curve end points are not accessible...

    Chebea skrev:
    Chebea, Mar 18, 2007
  3. Chebea

    mbiasotti Guest

    Yes, Chebea is correct. If you want to move the control point at the
    end of the curve, then the boundary that the curve lies on need to be
    switched from "contact" to "moveable" or "moveable Tangent."
    mbiasotti, Mar 19, 2007
  4. Chebea

    Tonny Guest

    Hi Chebea....

    Could you post your boat 3D model for me ?
    So I can do testing also.
    Another reason is I want to lear how Mark created that model.


    Tonny, Mar 19, 2007
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