Fragmented hard drive with 2007.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by liquidcooper, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. liquidcooper

    liquidcooper Guest

    We have been using SW 2007 at my work for a while now and I recently
    received a new Dell computer. The page file was set to my C drive where
    the SolidWorks application is installed. The problem I seem to have is
    after using SolidWorks for an extended period of time, I get a Run Time
    error and my C drive is fragmented to 40%. A co-worker I spoke to about
    this suspects it may be due to poorly written code. Has anyone else
    seen this problem and do you have a fix? Any help would be appreciated.
    liquidcooper, Oct 4, 2006
  2. liquidcooper

    TOP Guest

    What is an extended period of time? Hours, days, weeks? How is your
    pagefile set? You should be using the 3GB switch and you should have
    your pagefile set to 2 times installed ram up to 4gb. Your pagefile
    should have the same maximum and minimum. If you have a lot of RAM set
    the PagingExec to 1.

    I have never seen a disk 40% fragmented but I'll take your word for it.
    I have seen SW crash when allowing Windows to manage pagefile. Are you
    saving your models on C:? Have you cleaned out the temp file in local
    settings at any time? This is something that will cause SW to crash or
    become unstable.

    Of course you are only running SW on this Dell. No mp3 stuff. No CD
    ripping, photo editing and of course no virii, trojans, spyware, etc.
    TOP, Oct 4, 2006
  3. liquidcooper

    JN Guest

    The basic advice they used to give this time is to have the page file
    preferably on a different phisycal drive but at its minimum on a dedicated
    partition. This advise is independent of the release, they keep saying it
    since 97.
    JN, Oct 4, 2006
  4. liquidcooper

    yawdro Guest

    I've noticed this on my compter also. Mine is fragmented to 15% and
    when I run defrag it doesn't get any better. Before installing SW2007
    I never had any issues with fragmented files. Something DEFINITELY
    happened with 2007.
    yawdro, Oct 4, 2006
  5. liquidcooper

    Bill Briggs Guest

    We have turned the 3GB switch back on and moved the page file from the
    C: (os) drive to the D: (Work folders for cad files) drive and set both
    the min and max to the same size at 4096 and we are currently not
    expierencing the problem anymore... We will post here again if that

    Bill Briggs (co-worker of original post by liquidcooper)
    Bill Briggs, Oct 4, 2006
  6. liquidcooper

    cd Guest

    Forget the built in windows defrag... use Perfect Disk... it actually
    cd, Oct 5, 2006
  7. liquidcooper

    TOP Guest

    dirms also does a good job. Runs from the command line and can be made
    to run from a batch file and scheduled.
    TOP, Oct 5, 2006
  8. I remember seeing info on setting the 3GB switch some time ago, but
    since I didn't have anywhere near that much memory, I passed it by.
    Where can I find info on how to set the switch?

    Thanks in advance.

    Bruce Bretschneider, Oct 5, 2006
  9. Wayne Tiffany, Oct 5, 2006
  10. liquidcooper

    TOP Guest

    You don't need a lot of memory to need the 3GB switch. It controls how
    much memory programs can use. This includes the cache you have set. If
    you don't have the switch and have 2GB installed you will crash at
    around 1.6GB of memory usage regardless of how much or little is
    installed. On the other hand the 3GB switch will let SW use all the 2GB
    installed. Even with 1GB installed it seems to help.
    TOP, Oct 6, 2006
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